What is the best investment you ever made?

Facebook options when it was $17 bucks , made 42,000% in 5 months . I haven't touched FB since . Don't use it don't need it .
My advise don't buy options if you have a weak heart .
Facebook options when it was $17 bucks , made 42,000% in 5 months . I haven't touched FB since . Don't use it don't need it .
My advise don't buy options if you have a weak heart .
Just sold put on FB today, hope it stays up through friday so i can pocket that premium.
Let's not include education or our spouses.

I am talking things like a house, art work, stocks etc....

For me it was a job with a pension. I was average middle class when working but have a nice pension and SS to live on.

My house hasn't appreciated that much, no art work here, no stocks that skyrocketed etc.

Very much the same for me Sir!

My employer of 25yrs did away with the defined pension around 2004. Anyone hired after that date is no longer eligible, but for those of us in it, it still accrues until we are no longer employed by them. It's nothing big. Good Lawd willing, by the time I retire, it'll be around $3K/mo.

My better investment is my 401k that I've contributed to for the past ~28yrs.
Hands down retirement accounts and current house. Also have a few nice guns, antique furniture, and jewelry that have appreciated nicely. But won’t sell the latter items as they’re more valuable to us than their actual monetary worth. When I was young and stupid I sold some old coins and jewelry that were passed down to me. I’ll never forgive myself for doing that.
Best investments:
GI bill, with some prior planning I graduated with no student dept. my first real job after that education paid double what I was paid in my previous long term job.

20 years ago I started a Roth IRA, I’ve also contributed to employer 401k, TSP, and other programs. I make more in interest per month than I used to contribute per year. Back then I made $13 an hour. Even with economic downturns it has stayed positive.

My current house is worth more than double what I paid for it. I don’t expect that when I sell it but if I sold it right now I’d do quite well.
In 1998 I invested $8K in an $27.5K RC45 and its worth grows annually towards $50K...

Grey Bike International version...


MCN version...

Let's not include education or our spouses.

I am talking things like a house, art work, stocks etc....

For me it was a job with a pension. I was average middle class when working but have a nice pension and SS to live on.

My house hasn't appreciated that much, no art work here, no stocks that skyrocketed etc.
Airplane purchases. I am on my 2nd airplane, both of which tripled in value over the years. I get to use them, travel all over the place, feed them fuel and maintenance and still come out ahead. What's not to love?

I bought a condo for $120,000. Sold it 24 months later for $225,000. Bought a house for $225,000. Sold it 4 years later for $330,000. Bought my current house for $510,000. Its worth $850,000 now.

Maxed out my 401k and Roth IRA with max contributions singe age 23. In my late 30's, its worth more than a million dollars now.
I haven't made any good ones, but I can certainly list my worst: College education. It did absolutely nothing for my career, but I'm reminded of the giant mistake as I pay $500 a month for the rest of my life.

Second worst? My swamp shack. Paid $60k, put $40K into it, hopefully I can sell for $50k
The best investment I ever made was my first house...lived at home until I was 24, saved, got married and put a big down payment on a 160,000 dollar home. Carried a 125,000 dollar mortgage, paid it off in 8 years. Then saved another $70,000 grad while we didn’t have a mortgage, tried to sell that house, couldn’t, and then decided to rent it out. Put the $70,000 we saved as down payment on another bigger/better home. Collected rent on the other, payed most of that second home off in ten years, sold it after 12 years, bought another bigger/better house. Still have that first one as well.

Other than that, we put 10% or so into index funds in the 401k every year.

Our latest house I wouldn’t exactly call a success, we purchased it for $835,000, it has increased in value to $1,100,000 in less than two years, but the house is killing me. Can’t wait to get out of it. It’s too big, it’s too expensive for me to own. A big mistake, that hopefully I’ll profit from, but by the way thing are going right now...not so sure. Was planning on selling in three more years, but I’m not sure what that market will look like. Guess it doesn’t really matter, I’ll be buying another house anyway. But I always keep in mind...man plans, god laughs.