Magnetic drain plug failure.

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Jan 4, 2016
Morrow Mountain
Long story short - cheap magnetic drain plug from Amazon failed after 8 oil changes. Lost all oil in the oil pan.

I bought a magnetic drain plug from Amazon, but seems like it is made from a very soft metal that failed fairly quickly. I was out of state. On a straight and empty road I heard my engine getting gradually louder and oil light came on. Immediately I put the car in neutral, shut off the ignition, and coasted to the shoulder. Upon inspection I saw that the drain plug freed itself and got lost at some point, so all the oil drained out. As some of you remember - I had Mobil 15w50 in the sump. (more info here: I was far away from my stash, so could not top it off with more 15w50. So I requested an Uber to the closest AutoZone and bought 5qts of STP 0w20 and STP Extended Life oil filter, along with a new drain plug. Then Ubered back to my Scion on the side of the road. Put the new drain plug in, and added 4qts of 0w20. That got it to the FULL line. Full capacity is 4.7qts, so I guess not all of the oil drained out. Left the old filter on the engine.
Started the vehicle, no abnormal noises were noticed. After a few minutes I checked the oil level again and it was still on the full line. Then I returned the extra quart and oil filter back to AutoZone as I did not need it anymore. So I finished my trip without any more issues, and learned my lesson - never buy cheap magnetic drain plugs again. Oh and always have a set of tools in your car. My small toolcase saved my and many of my friends' cars multiple times.
In other thread I promised to do a UOA of 15w50 after 7k miles, but obviously that wont happen now. I will however do a UOA in 5k-7k miles on this fill of .7qt of 15w50 and 4qts of STP 0w20 synthetic to see how the oil loss affected the engine. I am glad that I had 15w50 in the engine, because as we know - oils with higher viscosity form a thicker film on engine surfaces. Hopefully that myth will be confirmed in my case. A UOA will show I guess.

Enjoy your Sunday!!!
That sucks. I have one here from PB I was planning on using next OCI in my Liberty. I might scrap that idea.
Bummer - they made it look better than it is. I'm using a couple Gold Plugs but kept OEM plugs stashed in the vehicle or tool box on my truck
Do you really expect us to believe a steel drain plug, TORQUED TO THE PROPER SPEC, loosened itself?!?!?!!?
"Freed itself and got lost" doesn't sound like a part failure...

Sounds more like a problem with the installation...particularly the torque...
Originally Posted By: Astro14
"Freed itself and got lost" doesn't sound like a part failure...

Sounds more like a problem with the installation...particularly the torque...

Bingo. Most likely the plug was not torqued properly, but it's always easier to blame the part than ones self.
It fell out? Is that a "plug failure"...or failure to instal properly?

If that plug was put in by a quick lube shop who would you blame?
Yes, I do not use a torque wrench. I always use exactly the same small socket wrench to tighten the plug and know the right force to apply. Never had a plug failure until this cheap plug. All I know is that once I looked under the car - plug was not there and there was oil dripping from all underneath the car behind the drain hole. I'm just glad it did not mess up my oil pan threads. New drain plug went in and felt a lot less fragile during tightening.
Is this logical?

Someone told me "name brand" lug bolts can actually tighten themselves whilst in service.
The someone was a dealership parts counterman.

Therefor, could it be that cheap bolts would do the opposite?

I'm climbing into my _____proof suit now.
Originally Posted By: Vlad_the_Russian
So I requested an Uber to the closest AutoZone and bought 5qts of STP 0w20 and STP Extended Life oil filter, along with a new drain plug. Then Ubered back to my Scion on the side of the road.

That was some GOOD thinking!
Uber was like your guardian angel that day! I'm glad everything worked out,whew!
Originally Posted By: Kira
Is this logical?

Someone told me "name brand" lug bolts can actually tighten themselves whilst in service.
The someone was a dealership parts counterman.

Therefor, could it be that cheap bolts would do the opposite?

I'm climbing into my _____proof suit now.

I've actually heard that very same thing too.
Originally Posted By: Linctex
Do you really expect us to believe a steel drain plug, TORQUED TO THE PROPER SPEC, loosened itself?!?!?!!?

that plug is clearly made of anodized aluminum.
The failure point was probably a re-used cheap washer.

There is a reason the drain pan bolts Toyota and other manufacturers spec are unique from every other washer type on the vehicle. They actually call them gaskets.
Originally Posted By: Linctex
Do you really expect us to believe a steel drain plug, TORQUED TO THE PROPER SPEC, loosened itself?!?!?!!?
Right you are Tex. I have been changing oil for over sixty years, and never,never had a drain plug loosen, much less fall out. Most do it yourselfers probably don't use a torque wrench and still achieve a satisfactory seal. Those plugs don't come loose. I would measure(vernier caliper) the major and minor thread diameter of the suspect drain plug and compare that to an OEM plug.
I have a feeling the head cracked at the body of the plug when you tightened it, this could only happen at this low torque with an aluminum bolt which this clearly is. Once the fracture grew the threads lost all holding friction and would have no problem walking out.
Well this blows I have 2 of them sitting here from ECS tuning for VW. Guess they go in the bin just to be safe.

Edit: These are the ones I bought, looks the same to me.
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