Have you ever owned a "dream" car you really wanted?

A couple.

As a young Naval Aviator, I bought a 1985 Trans-Am. Black. Gold trim. Pontiac laced wheels. Loved it. Now, in 1985, the performance was…unimpressive. But it sure looked good.

The SL600 is a bit of a dream car. Always loved the SL Mercedes.

Having one with a twin turbo V-12 is just icing on the cake.

I actually wanted the V-70R for a long time as well. Saw one in a showroom nearly 20 years ago. Loved it. Couldn’t afford it.

Now I’ve got one. Delighted to shift a manual again.

I’ve liked every car I’ve owned (or it would’ve been foolish to buy them, wouldn’t it?) but most of them were bought for practical reasons, and just a couple were dream cars.

late edit. Found a picture of the TA on the day it was sold. It had about 95,000 on it.

Turns out you can’t fit a car seat in that car, except in the front, which made it impractical once my daughter was born.
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Yes my Beetle. Thanks to my automotive teacher who decided to part with one of his for me haha. Love my car. Would never trade it for anything. I want another one too lol but for right now one will have to do as I need a new daily driver which is my main focus right now. I’m eventually going to fully restore it when money and time allows. When I was growing up all i would ever talk about is classic beetles lol. Every time we’d see one I’d tell my parents to stop because we have to look at it. I wanted every single one haha. I don’t know how my obsession became with them but it did somehow lol. Ever since I was about 5 I said I want one of those when I grow up. Was glad when I finally could make it happen. October 12th 2019 to be exact on the purchase date.

Here are some of the first pictures I took of it when it arrived to my house on a tow truck. Best $1600 I ever spent.

Nope, but I’ve only owned one car to date. (coming on two years of ownership!)

I noticed my “dream car” likes to change dramatically too, at one point it was an old Ranger (oof), at another it was that recent Taurus SHO sports barge or it’s smaller Fusion Sport sibling, at yet another it was the Volt, Outback, the mythical “Fusion Active”… I suppose today it would be a unicorn mint Borrego or a stupid good deal on a 4Runner.

All technically attainable compared to super cars but compromise wins out in the end, we’ll see when the sun sets on my Sorento or I win the lottery ;)
My dream cars have always been 'reasonable'. I figure it's pointless dreaming for something that's never going to be achievable.

Always wanted a BMW 5 Series every since passing my driving test in 2010. Managed to buy one in 2020 after the COVID restrictions started lifting. Unfortunately I had to sell it after 12 months as our financial circumstances changed due to a family bereavement. But I loved it and one day I'll have another, I'm sure!


One more for me: the S600.

A good friend owned it before me. He showed me the car when he and his wife and me and my wife went out to dinner.

I was awed by the car. The smooth engine, (V-12 is like no other), the prodigious torque, the nice ride and impressive handling.

When he told me, a few months later, that he was selling it, I told him to name his price!

I had no need for the car, but I sure liked it. I can’t imagine selling it.

I love it and it makes no sense for me to own.

Isn’t that the definition of a dream car?
no. Needless to say my finances wouldn't allow it.....😁

If so, what was the vehicle?
Kind of. Years ago I worked summers for a guy building racecars and taking customers for track weekends. He had a 1984 Mazda rx-7 gsl with a rollcage and ready for scca spec racing. It was a car that I thought would be neat to own but am glad I purchased as It is a blast to drive.
I have indeed. Dodge PowerWagon, Sentra SE-R SpecV, Civic SI, to name a few. Unfortunately maintaining the dream started costing more than I had the funds for or my lifestyle changed so it had to go. I am now to point where vehicles are just transportation.
A friend was an airman stationed at Minot, ND. His dream car was a Mustang Converible, so he went out and bought a brand new '89 Mustang Converible (yes, while stationed at Minot) with a 5.0 V8 and a 5 speed. He openly admits that he blew most of his meager Air Force salary on that one purchase.

However, he drove it until the wheels fell off. Replaced it with a V-6 Altima with a 6 speed. He actually had two of the V6/6 speed Altimas. He bought the second one the last year that they made them. Oddly enough, the V6 and 6 speed combination did not come with ABS brakes.

On the second Altima, the window sticker actually listed ABS brakes, even though the car did not have them (and he knew that it didn't). Later that year, Nissan contacted him to buy it back, becuase of that error on the window sticker.
4 Corvettes. Money pits.
The cars I have now pretty much take care of the dreams. Except for a Model 3 Performance.

Never buy a sensible car...
Later that year, Nissan contacted him to buy it back, becuase of that error on the window sticker.
That's stunning.

I grew up going to the New York Rod and Custom Car Shows at the old Coliseum (Columbus Circle) so I too had an early grip on what I'd never own.
The 1999 Volvo V70 base I bought from a guy on Long Island in 2003 became my dream car.
A pal said, "If Quakers designed cars, it'd be yours".