Are you normally a new or used vehicle buyer?

Mar 17, 2008
With the price of new vehicles today I never see us buying one ever again. It has probably been almost 2 decades since we bought a new car. even then it was usually a lease. We tried to buy used cars at least 3-4 years old to get the depreciation reduction.

How about you all?
Always preferred new cars. I have bought a few used cars though. I just like to know that the car I am driving has been well taken care of since new. Sometimes that's hard to know for sure with a used vehicle.
Mostly a used car kinda guy. I have purchased a few new vehicles in the past when the conditions were right. Like my 2017 Exploder. Got it on sale with good trade value and zero percent financing for 5 years… I’m still driving that one and will for a while… All of the other vehicles in my signature were bought used.
Generally buy new, unless I am looking for a specific need.
All of the vehicles in my signature were new, with the exception of the Ranger.
Generally I aim for the end of the model year, and attempt to purchase for KBB value used with 15K on it.
Have been relatively successful with that strategy, and have actually beaten my target a couple of times.
I like to buy new even though it's often more economical to buy used. I like a new car and I like knowing it was broken in properly. I normally like to keep a car at least 5 years, which I have not done over the last several years.
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I buy new, and they were all ordered to my specs except for 4 of them, only ever bought 3 used cars in my life and 2 of them were for the wife and one for me as a third vehicle. I am close to 70 years old. Don’t believe in leasing because it’s not really mine. Don’t buy used because why should I buy other people’s troubles, with new sometimes I have my own issues but at least I know what I am getting in to.
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I had always bought used, well used. Suddenly in 2019 I got a brand-new Prius for my wife to drive around in. I based this decision on the flat depreciation curve-- I could buy the car anywhere on the curve and get a proportional amount of life out of it. So I decided I had the opportunity to make my own best used car and know the entire history of it.

I also got a 32 year old F150, so I play both ends. I don't like the middle-- certified pre-owned, off lease. I feel there's too much of a profit motive to do major work and hide it behind shiny paint. My beaters are visibly beat, so I know why they're being sold.
I've become uneasy about buying used cars with turbos and direct injection, and at one time I bought only used cars.. Add the issue of 8- and 10-speed transmissions, as well as complex infotainment/climate control panels. I don't trust previous owners/users to maintain cars like I would, particularly on lease. With durability and repairability suspect, IMO, I will opt for new.
I don't see a value in moderately used vehicles (under 8-10 years old). With current vehicle pricing--- even going back to 2017 when I bought the Forester, for $20000 I could get a 6 year old Forester or spend $23000 and get a brand new one.

I try to shoot for brand new base model, or something that's really aged out and cheap.
Haven't bought an 'experienced' car in maybe forty years. I buy 'em new and trade them in or keep forever. Besides I enjoy the mental jousting with dealers and their sales guys/girls. Never been beaten. I am a nightmare customer and it's fun. Bought three Fords from the same salesman at the local dealer. Each time I walked in he didn't know if it was more prudent to greet me or run for the door.
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I buy used well maintained vehicles because they are a better value. I tend to like enthusiast cars, the kind that dealers enjoy throwing crazy markups on that I refuse to pay. I don't mind paying for something I want, but I won't be taken advantage of. I also enjoy the driving experience of more analog vehicles, and have the space, tools, and time to do my own work. I'm sure if I had kids and other obligations that would change.