Your and You're ... Please Get it Right?

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Originally Posted By: LoneRanger
People need to stop using the possessive "Your" when you should be using the shortcut for You are, 'You're." Learn it. Live it. Love it.

Shortcut? I thought this was called a contraction
. I'll admit that English isn't my first language... I'm also quite sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong.
The written English language can be a challenge if you did not actually learn anything in K1-12.

Some all too commonly seen wince inducing bozo no-no's.

your - you're
their - there
brake - break
its - it's
whole - hole
hear - here
to - too
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Originally Posted By: ET16
Far worse is the proliferation of 's mayhem. Mostly it's with plurals ("dish'es," etc.), but I've even seen things like "hi's."

Their hi's dish'es.

That bothers me much more than the your/you're (wishfully thinking is just an autocorrect phone typo), but I see very smart people on the board commonly use the apostrophe s to pluralize. Even worse is when I see it in the subject lines.

My grammar isn't perfect, but it's one of those pet peeves.
If we're going to use English as it was meant to be employed, could we please standardise on Aluminium (two 'i's and five syllables) and drop the abomination of Aluminum (not enough 'i's and missing a syllable)? It's Sodium not Sodum and Potassium not Potassum so it's not that difficult to remember!
Originally Posted By: EdwardC
Originally Posted By: ET16
Far worse is the proliferation of 's mayhem. Mostly it's with plurals ("dish'es," etc.), but I've even seen things like "hi's."

Their hi's dish'es.

That bothers me much more than the your/you're (wishfully thinking is just an autocorrect phone typo), but I see very smart people on the board commonly use the apostrophe s to pluralize. Even worse is when I see it in the subject lines.

My grammar isn't perfect, but it's one of those pet peeves.

It's amazing what you see, even in professional contexts. When AAA started up its roadside battery service, on their trucks, they first had written "AAA Battery's Delivered and Installed." I saw those trucks everywhere. About six months later "Battery's" was changed to "Batteries."
And use your verb 'to be'!!!

As in, "the car needs TO BE washed," not "the car needs washed."

Originally Posted By: Bottom_Feeder
Your/you're bothers me for sure, but not nearly as much as people using random apostrophes to show plural nouns, especially in the same sentence!

"So do you like the Jets or the Gaint's? The Ravens or the Redskin's?"

Makes me want to choke somebody.

THAT drives me insane. At least have some durn consistency.
... and otherwise smart people writing "OCI," the local acronym for "oil change interval," when they mean simply "oil change." Dumb!
Anyone remember the Harbrace College Handbook and papers that came back all marked up with strange symbols that were references to the proper punctuation and grammar. The instructors loved those red marking pencils. I let my little red 4th edition get away from me many years ago much to my chagrin.
Ive been wondering about the following for years:

When our clerk answers the phone and the caller asks for her, she replies, "this is She?".

I this correct or is it just bad sentence construction?
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