Original “MacGyver”

Mar 12, 2015
In the shop
Good evening folks. Was binge streaming or watching some original MacGyver episodes today. Brought back memories. Anyone here learn anything from the show? I was young when it was on but enjoyed it a lot.
I learned everything.

If you kidnap someone, you shouldn't lock them in an abandoned machine shop.

If you need to copy a key discreetly, just mash it into a bar of soap, then pour molten metal into the mold later.
One of my favorite episodes was when they got trapped in a toxic waste tank and then somehow got out before getting drowned/fried by toxic waste.
You look in the mirror to see what you saw, you take the saw and cut the table in half, two halves make a whole then you climb through the hole. Haha!
I love the "ugly duckling" episode where the 15 year old girl hacks the he governments mission system.
Originally Posted by eljefino
I learned everything.

I have long thought some of the solutions you have posted to automotive problems would make the original MacGyver proud.
If you are skiing and get trapped in an avalanche, use your hollow ski pole to blow a small red hanky you just happen to have up to the surface so rescuers can find you.