What disturbs/angers you while driving?

Mar 22, 2012
Berks County/Pa.
Just trying to get a consensus of what bothers/disturbs us while driving. First & foremost for me is people not using there blinkers. Another would be, I live very close to Amish & Mennonite communities -- so I am often behind horse & buggies. People that do not or are afraid to pass a horse & buggy & have a line of cars behind them also disturbs me.

Lane changers trying to move up the line in traffic, idiots using fog lights for no reason at all, passing on the right, tailgaters, and a lot of other things. Most of these no driving morons shouldn't even have a license never mind a vehicle.
Basically everyone on a sport bike. Always driving recklessly and doing stupid and illegal stuff. Going 100+ mph everywhere, weaving between cars, speeding down the breakdown lane, illegally passing, tailgating, lane-splitting (illegal here), you name it. I can't remember the last time I saw one actually driving like a sane person.
Originally Posted By: Trav
Lane changers trying to move up the line in traffic, idiots using fog lights for no reason at all, passing on the right, tailgaters, and a lot of other things. Most of these no driving morons shouldn't even
have a license never mind a vehicle.

What are the driver's like in Germany Trav? I'm guessing people are people.
The number one thing for me is people using the merge in lane for overtaking the queued up traffic.

Another one would be if there is a fork and one side is all queued up the other side isn't, some people just cut in front of the queue at the last couple yards. I've even seen people do that at a left turning lane.

Like it or not, if I have been sitting in the queue since the beginning, there is no way I will let people in.

Tailgating when all the lanes are slow anyway. Do that to me they ain't gonna pass me.
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Originally Posted By: Quattro Pete
1. Left lane hoggers
2. Slowing down traffic by driving below speed limit
3. Not using turn signals


Hit all the major points there.

I'd also say that if I can't see your headlights through the back glass of my 911, you're probably too close.
Farm equipment. They used to move to the side so you could get around them, now they do everything in their power to block you. Most times they'll pull right out infront of you. There's one offender that has a farm off a state route that will wait till you're almost there and do it. I live in a very rural area so this is an everyday thing during the 3 seasons. I travel to work during their peak travel.

Also where I live you have to travel over mountains to get out of town. People get way too scared and go down the mountain less than 15mph. There's being cautions and then stupid IMO. Semi's will think they are super trucker and not stop at the top like they are required to; they'll usually burn up their brakes. Just the other day a semi lost its brakes and rolled over shutting down one mountain route. So I don't want to be stuck behind a guy doing 15mph and a runaway semi coming my way.

Slow drivers also irritate the stew out of me. I'm not advocating speeding, but if you're going 45mph in a 55mph zone get over or off the road. This is also common on my daily route.
Originally Posted By: Onetor
What are the driver's like in Germany Trav? I'm guessing people are people.

People are people, but people can be conditioned and trained.

As such, drivers in Germany are much more courteous and generally trend toward following the law. It's very low stress.
People coming out of a side street pull out in front of you and then drive about 10 mph under the speed limit.
Texting at intersections when the light turns green is also becoming a favorite out there.
1. Drivers who leave a multi-car length gap in front of them, I am not sure why they do this. It's either they do not want to rear end people while they are at a light on their phone, or they do not want to get smashed into the car in front of them. I remember in driving school they said to leave a large gap and I thought that was stupid as it would essentially cut our road capacity in half if everyone did it. Well, apparently I was the only one who thought so. It's the worst when they block a turn lane or you are trying to merge and they have a two car gap ahead of them that they will not forfeit under any circumstances.
2. Drivers who pull out onto the road in front of you when they should have waited let you pass, only to accelerate slowly or go below the speed limit. They aggressively pull out in front of you, then drive like they are ninety years old.
3. Drivers who do not understand the S-turn when you are making a left at an intersection, and think you are trying to make the turn. I've been honked at for performing a maneuver right out of the driver's handbook.
4. Drivers who will sit in pole position at an intersection and take 3 seconds to realize the light is green because they are trying to coax nudes out of a member of the opposite sex.
5. Drivers doing the speed limit in the left lane.
6. Drivers who are hesitant/indecisive, nothing is more dangerous than that. Commit or don't.
7. Drivers who are slow or lackadaisical on advance lights.
8. Drivers who block intersections because they deserve to get through that light even if they have to block people making lefts or perpendicular traffic to do it. I remember when I was young people were much more disciplined regarding this.
9. Drivers who when honked at for doing something stupid proceed to honk back at you or brake check you.
10. Drivers who are so afraid to get blocked into a driveway that they will block multiple spots and park at the end. I see this all the time on job sites, where asking someone to move their car or truck is very common and not a big deal.
11. Drivers who wait until the last possible second to exit a closing lane. I learned on this board about the "zipper" merge. I'll let one car in but that is where my responsibility ends. If you want to drive into a lane that is ending and bully your way in go for it, but I will only let one car in.
12. Drivers who do the opposite and will unintentionally block you from merging onto the highway before the entry lane ends by sitting in the right lane. Like they have never merged onto the highway before.
13. Drivers who do not go fast enough on the on ramp to the highway. I assume the reason they are so wide and have such soft curves is so almost any car can build enough speed on them to safely merge. I've seen people merging on the highway at like 70 km/h when the speed limit is 100 km/h. I see it all the time, three cars bunched up behind one car going wayyyy to slow, and then all of them trying to merge at once.

When people screw around on the ramp or near merging areas, I hate having to cross the solid lines and make an early merge or risk the lane ending and having to make a drastic move. When I am in the right lane on the highway, I try to maintain a consistent speed or change lanes if I see numerous cars on the ramp preparing to merge onto the highway.
All of the above. Cell phone use in left lane and wandering across the road at 10 or more mph under the speed limit. Tailgating truckers or truckers in left lane not passing
Everything mentioned so far plus....

People who slow up over 3/8 of a mile while drifting out of the right lane in order to turn off to go to a gas station.

SIMILAR BUT NOT THE EXACT SAME: People who drive 10mph by a coffee shop (Starbucks) so they can look in to see if it has a good crowd or not.

Remember what Goldfinger did to Mr. Solo when he dropped out of Operation Grand Slam?
Cutting in line.
Blocking the block.

Originally Posted By: rooflessVW
Originally Posted By: Onetor
What are the driver's like in Germany Trav? I'm guessing people are people.

People are people, but people can be conditioned and trained.

As such, drivers in Germany are much more courteous and generally trend toward following the law. It's very low stress.

Especially when 500 euro fines and loss of license is the norm for a lot of things and they strictly enforce the laws.
Parts (not all) of the USA has some of the worst drivers in the world, no real driver training (drivers ed doesn't count), lax law enforcement, giving out licenses like candy bars and no real consequences for bad driving is a bad mix.

For example if you see an overpass with white lines before it on the road it is for measuring distance between cars, if your tailgating and you are caught your probably walking for a month and paying a stiff fine. Ditto running red lights and stop signs.
Infractions can cost you points on your license, get enough and its gone.
Originally Posted By: Quattro Pete
1. Left lane hoggers
2. Slowing down traffic by driving below speed limit
3. Not using turn signals

Those are my top three as well, but I'd also add the brain-dead morons who take corners at 10-20 mph below the posted advisory speed- with their brakes applied the entire time.