Resturant pricing up

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I have not seen any steak lately that was not around $10/pound …
And if you want any … best grab a couple even if not your favorite cut or marbled just right …
(because there is lots of white porcelain showing in the coolers) …
It's not gouging if the supply is low (it is) and demand is the same.

Don't like the price? Don't buy the item. Take out from Applebee's isn't a necessity, it's a luxury.

Restaurants have seen business drop by 80-90%, even with takeout. I'd cut them some slack at the moment.
Hmm, $9.99 hasn't been around since who knows when here. I'm not sure if they are dine in price or only take out now in your area, but there are a few things you need to look at now:

1) Food prices went up like crazy, especially meat, due to outbreak at meat packing plants.
2) Extra work to get the logistic across, people need to keep distance and slow down the work, that increase cost.
3) Dollar devaluation due to all the money printing we have now in the Fed. This means they are now cheap when you sell food oversea.
4) Restaurants cost increase or they will shut, and they do shut down, so the survivors decided to stay open and charge more, because they still can't cover the cost.
5) You are no longer buying drinks dining in, so they figure you have to pay more because they can't afford to lose money on the $9.99 steak if you don't buy a $3 drink and leave a $2 tip.
Originally Posted by dlundblad
Gouging is happening to make up for lost business. A local beauty salon is now charging $10 more on a men's haircut.

I'm sure food wise, the increased price is from increased food prices as well.

You can't give me a haircut even for free right now. I'd rather have long and messy hair than taking a chance going to a barber / saloon now.
Originally Posted by 4WD
I have not seen any steak lately that was not around $10/pound …
And if you want any … best grab a couple even if not your favorite cut or marbled just right …
(because there is lots of white porcelain showing in the coolers) …

A chuck roast was $8.99 a pound at the store this morning.
Originally Posted by 4WD
I have not seen any steak lately that was not around $10/pound …
And if you want any … best grab a couple even if not your favorite cut or marbled just right …
(because there is lots of white porcelain showing in the coolers) …

A chuck roast was $8.99 a pound at the store this morning.
Originally Posted by Mr Nice
I still do take out at my local mom and pop restaurants.

I don't mind paying more if the quality of food remains the same.

Same here … many, many days it's been lunch in the truck at a couple places (can't support them all) and then something on the bbq in the evening depending on what's in the mostly empty coolers …
Good smoke even makes chicken delicious
Talking about BBQ, I was at Salt Lick near Buda, TX and the food was great.

Super gigantic parking lot for weddings and big parties, etc...
Great place … a week ago (on way to San Antonio) I cut over to the famous Luling City Market … missed not being able to go inside … but another great meal in the pickup shaded by a Live Oak … ...·
Originally Posted by Wolf359
The chains are more likely to survive as they have easier access to capital, but I won't be surprised if some of them go under as some have loaded up on too much debt. All those local restaurants may go under as they still have overhead to pay such as rent that may not get discounted and they may never be able to make it up.

Announced on the news yesterday, Steak 'n Shake is closing almost (60) locations. Not sure where all they have locations but they're based in Indianapolis and there are quite a few restaurants all around here. So even the 'bigger' chains aren't immune.
Originally Posted by hallstevenson
Originally Posted by Wolf359
The chains are more likely to survive as they have easier access to capital, but I won't be surprised if some of them go under as some have loaded up on too much debt. All those local restaurants may go under as they still have overhead to pay such as rent that may not get discounted and they may never be able to make it up.

Announced on the news yesterday, Steak 'n Shake is closing almost (60) locations. Not sure where all they have locations but they're based in Indianapolis and there are quite a few restaurants all around here. So even the 'bigger' chains aren't immune.

Wendy's stores ran out of ground beef a couple of weeks ago....I truly don't think most people know how dire things are going to get in the next six months.
The fast food industry is going to shrink dramatically. Most of the lower priced dine in places will probably go out of business entirely.

People are really losing their minds now about minor things. It will be ugly at the same time next year.
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Originally Posted by AC1DD
Originally Posted by hallstevenson
Originally Posted by Wolf359
The chains are more likely to survive as they have easier access to capital, but I won't be surprised if some of them go under as some have loaded up on too much debt. All those local restaurants may go under as they still have overhead to pay such as rent that may not get discounted and they may never be able to make it up.

Announced on the news yesterday, Steak 'n Shake is closing almost (60) locations. Not sure where all they have locations but they're based in Indianapolis and there are quite a few restaurants all around here. So even the 'bigger' chains aren't immune.

Wendy's stores ran out of ground beef a couple of weeks ago....I truly don't think most people know how dire things are going to get in the next six months.

People are really losing their minds now about minor things. It will be ugly at the same time next year.

Call me an optimist but I think by this time next year we should have a vaccine. I'm going to guess that there will be a good candidate in a few months and there'll be emergency authorization for its use. But no one wants to jinx anything in case the data isn't there. With 8 in various phases, one or two of them will probably work out. But maybe that's just the optimist in me.

Doesn't the CV mutate ?
If so, how effective will the vaccine be to the various strains of CV ?

The country has to reopen hopefully soon.
Originally Posted by Mr Nice

Doesn't the CV mutate ?
If so, how effective will the vaccine be to the various strains of CV ?

It'll be like the flu vaccine - you'll have to get a shot every year, and even then, it may only be 50% effective. It will not be a magic cure.
Originally Posted by Mr Nice
Doesn't the CV mutate ?
If so, how effective will the vaccine be to the various strains of CV ?

No different than the regular flu shot. It's an educated guess on the strains that it provides antibodies for.
Originally Posted by Wolf359
Originally Posted by AC1DD
Originally Posted by hallstevenson
Originally Posted by Wolf359
The chains are more likely to survive as they have easier access to capital, but I won't be surprised if some of them go under as some have loaded up on too much debt. All those local restaurants may go under as they still have overhead to pay such as rent that may not get discounted and they may never be able to make it up.

Announced on the news yesterday, Steak 'n Shake is closing almost (60) locations. Not sure where all they have locations but they're based in Indianapolis and there are quite a few restaurants all around here. So even the 'bigger' chains aren't immune.

Wendy's stores ran out of ground beef a couple of weeks ago....I truly don't think most people know how dire things are going to get in the next six months.

People are really losing their minds now about minor things. It will be ugly at the same time next year.

Call me an optimist but I think by this time next year we should have a vaccine. I'm going to guess that there will be a good candidate in a few months and there'll be emergency authorization for its use. But no one wants to jinx anything in case the data isn't there. With 8 in various phases, one or two of them will probably work out. But maybe that's just the optimist in me.

The Oxford (University) Group was hoping to have something as soon as this September, with trials this summer. They've claimed that their vaccine prevented infection of Rhesus Monkeys bombarded with CV19...
Originally Posted by AC1DD
Wendy's stores ran out of ground beef a couple of weeks ago....I truly don't think most people know how dire things are going to get in the next six months...

II don't think they "ran out". They deleted some menu items, but should be noted that Wendy's ran low because they use "Fresh, not frozen beef", unlike McD and BK...
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