Professional Auto Mechanics

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Originally Posted by Mr Nice

What is your current profession ?
You still have time for a career change.

Trades will always be in demand cause technology will never replace these jobs. I worked a trade for over 30 years and I own an LLC that is also in the same field (equipment repair).

Customer satisfaction. I plan to move into a desk type job in the next 2-4 years. Yes, I could go back to college and get a different degree, or trade school, or whatever, but I learned to absolutely loath the shell game that is college education. Not the cost/classes/learning. That stuff's cake, but the psychological warfare and games. The instructors pitting you against each other, testing your mettle, belittling you to see how far they can push you to see if you're suitable for your curriculum, etc. I understand the necessity of it, but it just got so old when I was the one paying instead of being paid like I am, now. Left me really hating the idea of ever setting foot in college again. No thanks. I'll just transition into management. I really should have ended up there half a decade ago, but landed a job that has managed to let me prolong my time doing what I do, but it's wearing on me again, I feel, and I will need a change. I toyed with the idea of law enforcement, but the money wasn't what I would want. I also considered pilot via national guard, but aged out, at 32 (when I asked), for that job.
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