Mechanic says change oil

Jan 20, 2023
Cadillac Deville (4.6 Northstar 104k) is in the shop for a look over, fuel filter change, coolant flush, new thermostat. Mechanic says oil needs to be.changed because it's dark. OLM says 63% remaining life....oil was changed 2200 miles ago in January. Mobil 1 Extended Protection High Mileage, Mobil 1 EP filter.
Mechanic isn't asking to change it, he knows I do my own oil changes (that and tire rotations is about all I do myself)..... He's advising me to change it due to the color. Should I? Does color matter?

My normal OCIs are every 6 months unless i hit 5-7 k then I'll do it sooner.
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Cadillac Deville (4.6 Northstar 104k) is in the shop for a look over, fuel filter change, coolant flush, new thermostat. Mechanic says oil needs to be.changed because it's dark. OLM says 63%....oil was changed 2200 miles ago in January. Mobil 1 Extended Protection High Mileage, Mobil 1 EP filter.
Mechanic isn't asking to change it, he knows I do my own oil changes (that and tire rotations is about all I do myself)..... He's advising me to change it due to the color. Should I? Does color matter?

My normal OCIs are every 6 months unless i hit 5-7 k then I'll do it sooner.
Yes & No. You know that this oil only has 2200 miles on it & you've had regular OCI every 5-7k so there is little to no reason your mechanic should be wanting to change this oil based on "Color". Now if there was some unknown previous history & the oil looked like a black hole then it would be reasonable to follow the mechanics advice. I say don't change the oil until you've reached your normal OCI or when the %OLM says so. Your mechanic may have good intentions.
Color technically doesn’t matter, however I don’t blame the guy for suggesting it. He probably is looking at it like...he has his car in here for service, I’m doing the fuel filter, the coolant, the thermostat; I pulled the dipstick and the oil looks dark. Hey, why not suggest changing it while it’s here?

But I’d pass if it only has 2,200 miles on it using Mobil1 EP. I’d stretch that type of oil out to 7,000-10,000 miles, and make sure it’s always full. But the whole Coro of the oil thing?? I mean, I know everyone discounts it to nothing, but I place a little value in it myself - especially if it’s an engine I know pretty well, and I have a history with. That’s just my opinion. Or if it’s an oil I use consistently, and have seen the color progressions with that oil/engine/my driving style.
Under normal circumstances I'd thank him, pay the bill for what he did and motor on. You might want to look for another mechanic. Having said that if the oil stinks of gas you might want to investigate the situation further. Perhaps pull a sample and get a UOA.
I don't believe oil color alone is a valid reason to change it. 2200 in ~2 months would to me indicate significant miles at operating temps, highway miles. That would be easiest on oil. Since you change it yourself, when it comes to oci, I'd say you know about it than your mech.

So, he made 'suggestion,' take it as that. Dumping M1 EP HM @ 2200 mi. because of oil color? I'm going with a solid, no.
Thermostat change? So has the engine been running cold a lot on this oil change? That can certainly cause premature breakdown of the oil, with extra fuel making it past the rings and excessive water in the crankcase.

It's not unreasonable to think the oil got a beating. And the previous oil fill might have aswell, depending how long the thermostat was faulty and how bad it was. If so, that previous fill left nasties in the engine that this fill has to deal with aswell.
Northstars have had a history of coolant showing up in the oil. Wondering if he’s seeing signs of that and he’s buying some time. Is the thermostat change due to an overheating issue?
I agree with Pontiac HO. Northstars have had issues with coolant in the oil, and with head bolts pulling out of their threads. He may have also made this recommendation NOT KNOWING how many miles are on the oil in question.
I would change it if I had a Cadillac DeVille with the Northstar engine. Those are very nice automobiles and that engine is worth protecting especially with the history of those engines having problems. If in doubt change it. Oil is cheap and those Northstar engines are very difficult to work on if not almost impossible. You have the ability to change the oil yourself however to repair that engine would not be a picnic. So what are you going to do?
Cadillac Deville (4.6 Northstar 104k) is in the shop for a look over, fuel filter change, coolant flush, new thermostat. Mechanic says oil needs to be.changed because it's dark. OLM says 63% remaining life....oil was changed 2200 miles ago in January. ...

My normal OCIs are every 6 months unless i hit 5-7 k then I'll do it sooner.
Why the T- stat change? Just PM? OEM T-stat?

If car has been running well, leave the oil in.

It's M1 EP - leave it and continue with the regimen you explained in post #1

You would be doing the car and yourself NO FAVOUR AT ALL by changing the oil quite early.

- Ken