Do you use auto start/stop feature (if applicable)?

also my understanding is the vehicles were designed for that. It's not the same as taking a car like mine, and shutting it off and on manually....
True for some vehicles but not mine - just a regular engine, starter motor, and battery.
I occasionally use it when in town with stop lights, otherwise it is off. It does improve my mpg. Wife hates it and refuses to use it under any conditions.
Can't stand it. The construction company had an F 150 that did that. Id go out on a 100 degree day. Just as the ac was getting cooled down I'd stop at a light and the ac would stop cooling
I absolutely detest it. I disabled it as soon as I got home with my new Jaguar. Thankfully it was as simple as pulling a connector out under the storage bin in the rear hatch. I would go to any lengths to disable it on any vehicles that I would buy in the future. Simply pressing a button on the dash or console to disable it each time I started the vehicle wouldn't be enough for me.
Hate it on my Jaguar F-Type. But that's because it is both slow to crank back up, and it only shuts the engine off for 15 sec or so, then it's running again, every single time. Just seems to introduce difficulty.

One the 2018 F150, it is not a problem, as it will shut off at the traffic light and I don't have to hold the brake as hard.
I have no problem with it at all on my E350. The engine starts and stops pretty seamlessly. In fact, for the first few months that I owned the car, I was unaware that the engine was starting and stopping.

Is there additional wear? Sure. Will it be enough to make a difference in the life of the car? Maybe, by the time it has a couple hundred thousand miles on it. But I'm not sure it will even be an issue then.

I haven't replaced a starter in a car in over 30 years. And I've only had to replace a starter twice, in over 50 years of driving. So I'm skeptical of those who think that auto stop/start is going to wear out their car.
You guys ain't paying for CA gas... Even if stop-start doesn't help conserve a little petrol, it eases the mind...
A motor not running conserves fuel...that's a fact. I was just in So Cal- cheapest gas at Costco at the time was $4.11
In Texas heat no motor, no AC. My female cousin had a newer Buick and wanted to turn it off, I looked it up and the only way without the Forscan or whatever was press the - button on the shifter 9x or some crap OR put the AC on Max. I told her do that and roll the windows down if it gets too cold....She bought another car soon after.
The Highlander has start/stop. My start up procedure is a two step process; press the start button then press the start/stop disable button. It's become pretty automatic unless I'm distracted during the process.

I agree that it's not a big deal to just push a button. I wouldn't disable this function as I believe it's considered part of the emission controls.
I don't care for it. Coded it off on the Tiguan after my wife complained about the small lag to get underway. She had it stop and then needed to go like NOW on a couple occasions, and felt unsafe. Part of that problem was the known throttle/transmission response issue, but start/stop just exacerbated it. Both fixed now thanks to VCDS.
It is physically impossible to move your foot from the brake to gas pedal before the motor starts.
Now if there was something wrong with power train programming that's a separate issue from the start/ stop system itself.
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I recently brought my 2013 BMW X5 in for service at the dealer. They gave me a 2024 X3 as a loaner. Between the lane departure trying to pull the steering wheel out of my hands, and the Start Stop stalling out the car at every stop light, I decided I am going to hold on to the 2013, which has none of that stuff, a while longer.

How about a Green Mountain overdrive, which shuts off the engine and puts the car in neutral on any downhill grade? Or a "school zone governor", that automatically slows the car down to 30 mph when the navigation system detects you are approaching a school zone?