Do you use auto start/stop feature (if applicable)?

For many years I frequently drove Sweetie's Prius. At first, I was unhappy with the feature. After a while, I came to accept it, and while I wouldn't go so far as to say I liked it, I was definitely neutral. At one point, when switching from the Prius to my car(s), I missed having the feature.

Now that I've used cars with and without the feature for more than a dozen years, it matters little if a car has it, but I sometimes miss it when sitting at a long light or stopping in traffic.
Nope, programmed out with Forescan (On the Ranger).

The Honda cars don't have it.

The kids 'Jeep' has a dead secondary (stupid) battery so it doesn't work.
VW has it, it's fine I just don't care for the extra wear however minimal it may be. Both my wife and I shut the feature off after starting the car, but sometimes I forget and I will usually just leave the feature on for the rest of the drive.
Seamless to me would include a lag of a few seconds - with my Jeep you can’t even stop at a stop sign 🛑 in the countryside - kills engine …
You guys ain't paying for CA gas... Even if stop-start doesn't help conserve a little petrol, it eases the mind...