How to Replace Interior Door Handle on Camry

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Looks like this guy was removing the door panel for the first time ever and didn't know how to actually get any of the parts off. LOL.

I've removed the door panels from my 98 Camry a bunch of times and never broke the door handle bezel.
First he breaks the bezel, which already had a crack but could easily have been removed intact. Next up, use the biggest screwdriver possible to pry out screw covers because this makes it easier to mar the panel. Then he mangles the tab at the front of the window switch before removing it properly from the back first. This is good because everybody likes having extra rattly noises. Now, on to yanking the panel off and hoping it doesn't crack before looking and seeing there are some plastic retainers that could have easily been pried out with a suitable tool.

This is about the time I stopped watching because I'm pretty sure he was about to remove the actual door handle with a logsplitting maul and I would feel really embarassed for him if he does that on camera.
I have to admit, this isn't my best car work, but maybe this will give a heads up to other DIY people.

I'm sorry dude, I didn't mean to rip on you like that. [censored], you deserve props for taking the time to document this and it probably will help a few people. Those couple of mistakes you made point out some snags and could help someone else avoid running into the same problems.

I just spent the last hour dealing with my sister demanding help with problems she creates for herself after working a full day with a significant portion of that watching over three professional mechanics (two of whom have been working on cars since before I was born) who seem to have forgotten everything they ever new about cars. This put me in a bit of a mood and I was overly critical. I mean, the broken bezel was already broken and you can probably unbend that tab on the window switch....

Please accept my apology. You were putting forth your own time to do something that can actually help someone while I just acted like a jerk picking on you for it.
No worries, everyone has bad days. I hope tomorrow is a better day.

I'm no mechanic by any means. But I do enjoy doing most of my own car work.

Apology accepted.
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