You thought a good idea but not so much…

Jul 11, 2015
New England
I’ll start.

Kids plugged around bathroom sink drain full of beads. I used shop vac to pull out beads which worked great but then horrid stench of sewer gas from our septic came flying thru shop vac as cleared water out of p-trap.
Wednesday I took some Miralax (powdered laxative) for its intended purpose.. I remembered using it 20 years ago, so I just filled the cap right up.. Well, the actual dosage was half the cap to a marked line. I double dosed myself..
I spent a total time of an hour in the BR yesterday, running in every half hour. The pipes, are clean!
It seems like everything I try to do these days turns into one of those " good ideas " .
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There was a story on the news a few years ago where a guy tried using a shop vac to drain his gas tank, apparently the flames shot 20 feet in the air from the stop vac!