Wife and Dogs attacked by 2 boxers and a Pitbull!!

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Oct 9, 2004
New Braunfels
My wife was walking our two small Shih Tzu dogs and was only one house down when a neighbors two boxers and another neighbors pit-bull zeroes in on our dogs. My wife is no light framed wallflower and she fought.

I was sitting in a meeting at work(I am just half a mile from the house when I get a 911 cal from my wife. I excuse myself and she is incomprehensible but I do get the word dog…I thought one of mine had been hurt or died. My wife has asthma and had been fighting for sometime. I jump in my truck and drive to my street where I find my wife near a fence surrounded by the dogs. My geriatric female dog had been shoved under the fence by my wife to protect her and my wife had just heaved a volleyball sized rock into the head of one of the boxers. Not knowing what had gone down I jump out grab a 24” pipe wrench meaning to kill anything that was attacking my wife and dogs(work truck so I had no firearm on me)..I retrieved the my female dog and put her in the truck and put my wife in the vehicle.. I asked where the male was.. she said she had thrown him into the back of our next door neighbors pickup truck. Both my dogs were slobbered and sanded but my wife had bruises a couple of puncture bite wounds and scratches on her arms and legs. She had been knocked to the ground about 6 times.

We called paramedics and animal control. As my wife was being treated I explained which dogs had attacked my wife.
(Luckily the pitbull was more interested in my dogs than my wife and actually got into a fight with one of the boxers when it bit my wife.(she had traveled about 150 yards during the episode) unluckily for the pitbull it was a pitbull at large during an attack on a human.)

All three dogs were taken away for 10 day quarantine. The male Boxer will be put down(not only due to aggressive behavior but due to wounds my wife with her fist and a large rock did and what a pitbull can do to a boxer in a one on one fight.

Once all the dogs were picked up I took my dogs to the vet and my wife to an urgent care center..a few hundred bucks later we are pulling into the driveway and the neighbor is their with his home insurance info. I wish he could have been as responsible before about providing something more than a 6x10 kennel for his two boxers to live in. They would both be health and happy and not facing destruction. The Pitbull did not escape his kennel at the next door home until he heard the activity. That is unfortunate. My wife’s asthma is all flared up tonight. My dogs seem OK and I just wish people would be responsible before this happens. The neighbor says he just got a loan for a fence…One of his boxers, we learned had learned to open the kennel gate, the female had escaped 3 to 4 times this past month but was rather skittish when approached but not aggressive. My wife had the unfortunate experience of facing both out with no socialization after spending all there time in a small pen with no outings (the owner does not walk them or run them..these are active dogs! ) As dog lovers it saddens me. As a husband it infuriates me. As a doggy daddy it would have broken my heart to lose a dog to violence.

Heads up!I am not in the best of moods!
Wow, sorry to hear about this.

As a dog owner myself (3 small ones and a big one) I can't imagine something like this happening.

I'm glad that everyone is alright and in one piece. I'm sure this could have been worse with 3 large dogs ganging together.
My wife didn't freeze up and kept her head and acted agressively. Once I showed up the balance of power shifted and the dogs began to hide.
the worst part for my wife was not her wounds...it was the thought that she would have to choose which dog to save.
Sorry to hear that, especially when these type of things could be prevented by better animal care and control by the owner.
We are renting in a neighborhood I would never purchase in while we decide on where to purchase a home in the area(it's been nearly a year since my relocation but we are picky).
THe infuriating part is they had the resourced to breed the boxers and have them chipped but could not invest the time and money to put a proper fence in place so the dogs can run and not get out. There is another neighbor with a Chow that is always tied up behind a fence. I feel bed for that dog too, it never gets walks or trips to the dog park. Why even have a dog?
I'm very sorry to hear this but glad your wife is ok. I don't have to tell you how bad it could've turned out. The real bad guy is the owner of the dogs. Hope everything turns out ok.

Did the wife get any sort of antibiotics?
Originally Posted By: flanso
Read the long, well written post from the Bikeforums link below. Post #8, The Insurance Company, may be of particular interest to you. I hope your wife is okay. Keep us posted.


My medical insurance company will take it up with his Home insurance company. They will also have to answer for vet bills. Ifg they are not prompt the homeonwer will be asked to front that expense. It behives him. He is a contractor for my company and although I would never go after a persons job his voice betrays his fear of consequence.
Pitbulls are Banned in Miami Dade County.

I don't understand people who have Pitbulls with small children around...There has been numerous attacks on infants in Broward County involving Pitbulls that made me sick.
Bryanccfshr: You sound like a very fair and reasonable guy. I hope all turns out well.
Augmenton..big doses and we both got tetanus boosters.(I got some wounds extracting my dog from behind the fence).
As a Dog owner I feel bad for the other dogs it is not their fault.. at the sametime I could have killed them all if they were to continue threatening my wife and dogs after I arrived, they must have sensed that. Adrenaline can overwhelm compassion.

They always never say get between dogs..Heck with that these are our only kids!
Good thing that did happen here in good (ole boy) Texas. The dog owner would have been fighting you for hurting his dogs.

When we first moved to our neighborhood and went on walks, we had encounters with aggressive dogs. Now we both carry clubs on those walks. The dog owners give us looks, but neither they, nor the neighborhood constables have ever said anything to our faces.

There is no "free bite" policy from these quarters.
Originally Posted By: CROWNVIC4LIFE
Pitbulls are Banned in Miami Dade County.

I don't understand people who have Pitbulls with small children around...There has been numerous attacks on infants in Broward County involving Pitbulls that made me sick.

I am not so prejudice against that breed, I am more prejudiced against the type of dog owner the breed attracts and thus the socialization of those dogs is to be rewarded for aggressive behaviour. Breeders (Mike Vick type)have also bred selectively for agression.

My wifes ponderance was..what if it had been a lady with a baby stroller?
Attacked by dogs from two different neighbours at the same time? Wow, that's some bad luck, or an extremely negligent neighbourhood!
Originally Posted By: TooManyWheels
Good thing that did happen here in good (ole boy) Texas. The dog owner would have been fighting you for hurting his dogs.

When we first moved to our neighborhood and went on walks, we had encounters with aggressive dogs. Now we both carry clubs on those walks. The dog owners give us looks, but neither they, nor the neighborhood constables have ever said anything to our faces.

There is no "free bite" policy from these quarters.

I am from texas. Dog owner liability is similar throughout the states.
Originally Posted By: rpn453
Attacked by dogs from two different neighbours at the same time? Wow, that's some bad luck, or an extremely negligent neighbourhood!

I vote the second. I am not a native or planned permanent resident mof the area for that reason. Socially New mexico belongs beteween Alabama and Mississippi(no offense to those souther states as new mexico would lower the regional IQ)
My wife and I had our two dogs out one afternoon for a walk. She had both (they each weigh about 60 lbs) and was walking on the inside. As we approached a house notorious for a loose dog, we crossed the street and she was curbside just as this "thing" came out. I yelled at it to "stop", "no", go home" to no avail. It kept advancing. The owner stepped out and actually told me not to yell at her dog. I firmly told her to call the dog. She refused. She told me that if I yelled at it, it would bite. I immediately told her that if the dog bit me, my wife, or my dogs, I would promptly shoot it dead in the street. I was carrying my Glock .40 off duty. She said "You got a gun". I told her who I was and that I did, and would use it without hesitation. She threatened to call the police and finally called the dog back into the yard. People just have no sense sometimes. I later had the pleasure of encountering her during the normal course of my duties and stroked her 3 tickets. I was not out for vengeance mind you, just happened to be in the right place at the right time.
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