What is your state or province or country known for?

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Mar 12, 2015
In the shop
I'll start. Pennsylvania is known for horrible roads, taxes, and toll roads. Also known for the Hershey chocolate factory and for Channelock in Meadville PA. Pennsylvania is also known for anthracite coal. What is your state, or province or country known for?
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Setting emissions standards, then forcing those standards on a lot of other states that want nothing to do with them.
Originally Posted by dave123

And Green Bay Packers
Originally Posted by bullwinkle
Ohio-high in the middle, and round at both ends! Also populated mostly by delusional Ohio State fans (not me)!

You must be one of those Cincinnatti Bearcats
Massachusetts... Start of the revolution "Boston was a real rough town back then and its people did not like the British or anyone for that matter telling them how to run there lives!"... Great food, great university's, we love our sports teams, the people can be quite liberal and depending on what side of the fence your politics are on that can be a fight after a few drinks!
Locally , some of the world's biggest output on metals - nickel, copper, platinum, gold and palladium. Nearby, cobalt production - kind of important for EV production.
And in the near future one of the world's largest ferro-chrome deposits to be developed, if terms can be reached with natives.
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One thing some folks might know about Canada is that we are your largest source of imported oil. We produce 5 million bbls per day and export 3 million bbls per day to the USA. Although, there is a resurgence of production in the US (over 10 million bbls per day) we still supply 3 million additional bbls. Also we have the third largest amount of reserves in the world.

We are also your greatest friend and supporter.
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Originally Posted by Snagglefoot
One thing some folks might know about Canada is that we are your largest source of imported oil. We produce 5 million bbls per day and export 3 million bbls per day to the USA. Although, there is a resurgence of production in the US (over 10 million bbls per day) we still supply 3 million additional bbls. Also we have the third largest amount of reserves in the world.

We are also your greatest friend and supporter.

Very true and well stated sir
Ontario is where the majority of the population lives in Canada (60%), my town is known as the Hammer or Steel City because of the steel producers here. We also have terrible infrastructure/roads as the dumping of Chinese steel into North America has really taken a toll on the local economy and tax revenues and as a result a lot of businesses closed and are boarded up in some areas.

The city is currently going through a revitalization process and there seems to be a new shop or restaurant opening each week in the downtown core. We are also the city where the very first Tim Hortons was opened and it's still there but now has a museum upstairs where you can see the way the old stores looked backed in the day.
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Utah is probably first known for Mormons.

Also for the fantastic snow skiing. Greatest snow on earth. Better than Colorado. But don't tell them I said that. They get kind defensive on the subject.

A lot of absolutely stunning scenery. Zions National Park. Bryce Canyon. Arches National Park. Off roading in Moab. Canyonlands National Park. Capital Reef. Dead Horse Point.

Oh, and for car people, Bonneville Salt Flats. Yea!
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