What brand coffee do you all drink?

Jul 27, 2021
Dover Delaware
What brand coffee do you all drink? Are you faithful to one particular brand? Or you buy whatever is on sale? Here lately I've been buying Wawa dark roast for an automatic drip. Occasionally I've been brewing Dunkin' donuts as well.
Thank you.
Whatever medium roast on sale at Costco. If nothing is on sale, then Kirkland beans (by Starbucks) or McDonald's. Not a fan of dark roast and no Maxwell or Folgers for us.
Lavazza Super Crema or Gran Crema, Dallmayr Prodomo, or a couple localish roasters. Capital City, Utica Coffee, Vermont Coffee, and Jims Organic (out of MA) are also in my usual. If I absolutely need cheap coffee for some reason Folgers is acceptable in a pinch but far from my first choice.
I've been using the Nespresso capsule system for a few years and recently upgraded the machine ... well, moved laterally, I suppose ... to a different capsule style. I absolutely love the convenience although the coffee results really don't compare to grinding a fresh Bodum every morning.

When I do decide to grind my own, I am very happy with Peet's Café Domingo, Arabian Mocha Java, and some of their special or limited release blends.
I've been using the Nespresso capsule system for a few years and recently upgraded the machine ... well, moved laterally, I suppose ... to a different capsule style. I absolutely love the convenience although the coffee results really don't compare to grinding a fresh Bodum every morning.

When I do decide to grind my own, I am very happy with Peet's Café Domingo, Arabian Mocha Java, and some of their special or limited release blends.
I gave up on single-serve coffee machines years ago- they just don't get hot enough usually. I suppose the expensive DeLonghi espresso machines are better, but honestly I love the little 4 cup Mr Coffee drip maker I got for like $20
What brand coffee do you all drink? Are you faithful to one particular brand? Or you buy whatever is on sale? Here lately I've been buying Wawa dark roast for an automatic drip. Occasionally I've been brewing Dunkin' donuts as well.
Thank you.
Dark Espresso from Zabar’s in NYC. Free shipping if you purchase 4 lbs at a time. Best coffee on this side of the Atlantic Ocean.
