What are you eating right now?

Early lunch before going to doc’s

Just having fruit today. Have strawberries, blueberries, grapes and cantaloupe. Sounds corny, but have not had an appetite the last several days. Sweets afterwards, if I want more.

Lost one of my best friends a couple days ago. It is hitting me kind of hard, I suppose. I blame it on that anyway.
Can't even go to his service, no longer drive.
Just having fruit today. Have strawberries, blueberries, grapes and cantaloupe. Sounds corny, but have not had an appetite the last several days. Sweets afterwards, if I want more.
You only ate sweets.
Lost one of my best friends a couple days ago. It is hitting me kind of hard, I suppose. I blame it on that anyway.
Can't even go to his service, no longer drive.
Funerals are for the living. The dead don't care.
You only ate sweets.

Funerals are for the living. The dead don't care.
Very true, but I can't be there for either. I just sent a card with $ and a personal message.
Been friend's since I moved here in 1984. We were close, so it sucked. He just retired April 1. Heck of a going away party.

Reminds me of this song, written by a friend of Toby Keith.
The sweet neighbor lady just brought over food. Chicken / broccoli / rice casserole dish. We visited 1/2 hour or so.
Life is good here. Nurse drove me for a haircut after my shower today. Was getting shaggy and feel better now.

Paid her back with Girl Scout cookies. One of the nurses Daughter's sold them, and I can purchase their leftovers. Found out the neighbor ladies favorite cookie, so I ordered 6 more packs of them. Hate feeling like a free-loader. :p
The sweet neighbor lady just brought over food. Chicken / broccoli / rice casserole dish. We visited 1/2 hour or so.
Life is good here. Nurse drove me for a haircut after my shower today. Was getting shaggy and feel better now.

Paid her back with Girl Scout cookies. One of the nurses Daughter's sold them, and I can purchase their leftovers. Found out the neighbor ladies favorite cookie, so I ordered 6 more packs of them. Hate feeling like a free-loader. :p

You didn’t look like Bigfoot or homeless person before this haircut did you? I’m kidding