Toyota's runaway-car worries may not stop at floor

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Dec 16, 2002
Huntington Beach, CA
Toyota's runaway-car worries may not stop at floor mats

A fatal accident in San Diego raises the question: Might a vehicle's complex electronic features make it hard for drivers to react quickly when accelerating out of control?

By Ralph Vartabedian and Ken Bensinger
October 18, 2009

The 2009 Lexus ES 350 shot through suburban San Diego like a runaway missile, weaving at 120 miles an hour through rush hour freeway traffic as flames flashed from under the car.

At the wheel, veteran California Highway Patrol Officer Mark Saylor desperately tried to control the 272-horsepower engine that was roaring at full throttle as his wife, teenage daughter and brother-in-law were gripped by fear.

"We’re in trouble. . . . There’s no brakes," Saylor's brother-in-law Chris Lastrella told a police dispatcher over a cellphone. Moments later, frantic shrieks filled the car as it slammed into another vehicle and then careened into a dirt embankment, killing all four aboard.

The tragedy Aug. 28 was at least the fifth fatal crash in the U.S. over the last two years involving runaway Toyota and Lexus vehicles made by Toyota Motor Corp. It is also among hundreds of incidents of sudden acceleration involving the company's vehicles that have been reported to Toyota or the federal government, according to an examination of public records by The Times.

Toyota has blamed the incidents -- apart from those caused by driver error -- on its floor mats, asserting that if they are improperly installed they can jam open the accelerator pedal. A month after the Saylor crash, Toyota issued its biggest recall in company history, affecting 3.8 million vehicles in model years as far back as 2004. But auto safety experts believe there may be a bigger problem with Toyota vehicles than simply the floor mats.

The Saylor crash and others like it across the country, they say, point to a troubling possibility: that Toyota's ignition, transmission and braking systems may make it difficult for drivers to combat sudden or unintended accelerations and safely recover, regardless of their cause.

Toyota is not the only car company to be hit with reports of sudden acceleration, but the San Diego fatality, the massive recall that came in its wake and Toyota's position as the world's largest automaker have focused intense scrutiny on the company by federal safety regulators and others.

"This is Toyota's Firestone," said Sean Kane, president of Safety Research & Strategies, a Rehoboth, Mass., auto safety consulting firm. He was referring to the public relations disaster that hit Bridgestone/Firestone almost 10 years ago over defective tires that caused a series of fatal accidents.

"Right now," Kane said, "when you say sudden acceleration, Toyota is it."

In addition to Saylor and Lastrella, the San Diego crash killed Saylor's wife, Cleofe Lastrella, and their only child, 13-year-old daughter Mahala.

Signaling how seriously the company takes the incident, Toyota President Akio Toyoda made an apology this month while meeting with the Japanese news media.

"Customers bought our cars because they thought they were the safest," he said. "But now we have given them cause for grave concern. I can't begin to express my remorse."

One remedy being considered by Toyota implicitly acknowledges what critics have been saying for almost 10 years: that the company's highly computerized engine control system lacks a fail-safe mechanism that can quickly extinguish sudden acceleration events, whether they are caused by floor mats, driver errors or even unknown defects in the electronic control system, as alleged in some lawsuits.

Reports of sudden acceleration in Toyota vehicles has resulted in nine federal inquiries and investigations since 2000, two of which determined that there were improperly positioned floor mats. Another found a loose part in Sienna minivans, and yet another probe remains open. The rest were dismissed with no findings of equipment problems.

In most Toyota vehicles, the floor mats are held in place by two clips, which can come loose. Toyota offers a standard carpeted floor mat and an optional rubber version. Both mats have a cutout around the accelerator pedal. The vehicle driven by Saylor had a rubber floor mat, but Toyota said it was for a different model of Lexus.

Since the San Diego crash, Toyota has urged all its customers to remove their floor mats as an interim fix. But longer term, Toyota spokesman Brian Lyons said, the company is examining significant design changes.

One possible remedy is to redesign the accelerator pedal to make it harder to get caught by a floor mat, he said. Another potential fix, he said, involves reprogramming the engine's computer to automatically cut power when a driver brakes while the gas pedal is depressed.

Such fail-safes are needed, auto experts say, because sudden acceleration can cause drivers to panic, diminishing their ability to take swift action -- such as shutting off the engine or shifting into neutral.

If anybody should have known how to stop an out-of-control car, it was Saylor, who was trained in emergency and high-speed driving as a 19-year CHP veteran. But a close look at the Lexus ES 350 raises questions about whether the car's very design may have compromised Saylor's skills.

One obvious line of defense is to simply shut off the engine, a step that may not be intuitive on the ES 350. The car has a push-button start system, activated by the combination of a wireless electronic fob carried by the driver and a button on the dashboard.

But once the vehicle is moving, the engine will not shut off unless the button is held down for a full three seconds -- a period of time in which Saylor's car would have traveled 528 feet. A driver may push the button repeatedly, not knowing it requires a three-second hold.

"When you are dealing with an emergency, you can't wait three seconds for the car to respond at 120 miles an hour," said Clarence Ditlow, executive director of the nonprofit Center for Auto Safety.

The ES 350 Saylor was driving that day was a loaner provided to him by Bob Baker Lexus when he took his family's Lexus in for servicing. It's unclear whether Saylor's own car had the same feature or whether he was aware of the shutdown procedure. Bob Baker Lexus did not return calls.

That procedure is explained deep in the owners manual. In a text box labeled "! Caution," Toyota tells owners, "Do not touch the 'power' switch while driving." But under the warning it adds, "If you have to make an emergency stop, press and hold the 'power' switch for more than three seconds."

Lyons, the Toyota spokesman, said: "I think the text is valid. What I'd prefer it to say is to explain that you'll lose power assist [for] brakes and steering if you do so."

The shutdown procedure reflects a larger problem: As auto manufacturers adopt increasingly complex electronic features, it becomes more difficult to explain how they work, said Paul Green, a human factors expert at the University of Michigan's Transportation Research Institute. A study by the institute found that in some cases, owners manuals would have to run up to 1,000 pages to fully disclose everything.

"In the past, systems were pretty simple," Green said. "You put a key in the lock and turn it. Now we have a fob with functionality."

The other common defense tactic advised by experts is to simply shift a runaway vehicle into neutral. But the ES 350 is equipped with an automatic transmission that can mimic manual shifting, and its shift lever on the console has a series of gates and detents that allow a driver to select any of at least four forward gears.

The arrangement of those gear selections could make it difficult to shift from a forward gear directly into neutral in a panic situation, Toyota spokesman Lyons acknowledged.

"I think it's possible to get the shifter confused, but I can't be sure that's what happened" in San Diego, Lyons said. "You'd be surprised how many people around here [Toyota] don't know what the neutral position is for."

The most obvious impulse for any driver experiencing sudden acceleration is to apply the brakes. But when an engine goes to full throttle and is speeding at 120 mph, the brake might not stop the car.

The ES 350 and most other modern vehicles are equipped with power-assisted brakes, which operate by drawing vacuum power from the engine. But when an engine opens to full throttle, the vacuum drops, and after one or two pumps of the brake pedal the power assist feature disappears.

As a result, a driver would have to apply enormous pressure to the brake pedal to stop the car, and if the throttle was wide open might not be able to stop it at all, safety experts say.

"I don't think you can stop a car going 120 mph and an engine at full throttle without power assist," said Ditlow, the safety center director.

Indeed, a 2007 study by federal highway safety officials showed that braking distance and force on a Lexus ES 350 increased fivefold when the throttle was wide open. And evidence introduced in sudden acceleration trials suggests that it can take up to 225 pounds of pressure on a brake pedal to arrest a runaway vehicle, far more than most drivers can muster from a seated position, said Edgar "Hike" Heiskell, a Charleston, W.Va., attorney who is suing Toyota over a fatal acceleration accident in Flint, Mich.

Lyons acknowledged that the vacuum can be depleted when an engine throttle is wide open, leaving the drivers without power-assisted brakes.

"There's a [federal] standard where you have to be able to stop the car without power-assisted brakes, but obviously I don't think it includes situations where the throttle is wide open," he added.

Drivers in other crashes also found it difficult to rein in a runaway Toyota. Guadalupe Gomez of Redwood City said he was held hostage for 20 miles on a Bay Area freeway by a 2007Camry traveling more than 100 mph.

Gomez was unable to turn off the engine or shift into neutral and then burned out his brakes before slamming into another car and killing that driver, said attorney Louis Franecke, who represented that victim's family.

The San Diego crash is still under investigation by the San Diego County Sheriff's Department and the CHP; until the probe is complete, neither agency is commenting.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, meanwhile, says it has an open investigation into sudden acceleration events involving Toyota vehicles.


[email protected]

Times staff writer Tony Perry in San Diego contributed to this report.
Out of curiosity I took our 08 ES350 out for a ride, floored the accelerator and hit the start/stop button. The car made it up to about 45mph (not 120) before it shut down. The braking system did lose power boost but was sufficient to stop with hard pressure on the brake pedal. Steering was sufficient as well.

This issue is NOT the factory floor mats IMO as our factory mats are cut out away from the gas pedal a good 3 inches and when clipped in are difficult to intentionally remove. An aftermarket mat could cause this though.

Also, to shift the gear slector into neutral takes about a 2 lb push with one finger forward and there is no detent between the D position and the N position which is right in front of it.

I will take my wife and 16 YO daughter out and make them practice this exercise as well.

My guess? There is an embedded software issue in the electronic throttle control sytem.
The Toyota we owned killed me due to repair costs so we got rid of it (99 Sienna). Luckily it didn't kill us due to the throttle sticking.

Blaming the issue on floor mats is only buying the company time to come up with plan B to defend itself in the court of public opinion.
Drivers in other crashes also found it difficult to rein in a runaway Toyota. Guadalupe Gomez of Redwood City said he was held hostage for 20 miles on a Bay Area freeway by a 2007Camry traveling more than 100 mph.

Gomez was unable to turn off the engine or shift into neutral and then burned out his brakes before slamming into another car and killing that driver, said attorney Louis Franecke, who represented that victim's family.

20 miles???

Maybe you would freeze and do nothing for the first couple of miles, but 20 miles???
Thanks for the experiment, PT1.

You would think a little red "panic switch" that interrupts the fuel pump would be a good fix. Diesels often have these. Stick it under the hazard switch in the center console so a passenger could reach the thing if the driver gets incapacitated with their foot on the gas. It wouldn't have to interface the computer at all, and in fact shouldn't... so you don't have any sticky relays etc to cause potential issues.

Brake-activated idle on drive-by-wire systems is another good idea but one fraught with computer glitches interfering when most needed.

When I blew a brake line at 2 mph in my van, I panicked and threw it in "park" despite having a perfectly servicable foot-operated e-brake.
So I understand the duress of failing switchgear.
I've read and heard a lot of criticism of Officer Saylor in regards to this horrible tragedy... I'm relieved this article mentions that it was not his vehicle, but a service loaner with all-weather mats not designed for that ES.
Originally Posted By: PT1
Out of curiosity I took our 08 ES350 out for a ride, floored the accelerator and hit the start/stop button. The car made it up to about 45mph (not 120) before it shut down. The braking system did lose power boost but was sufficient to stop with hard pressure on the brake pedal. Steering was sufficient as well.

This issue is NOT the factory floor mats IMO as our factory mats are cut out away from the gas pedal a good 3 inches and when clipped in are difficult to intentionally remove. An aftermarket mat could cause this though.

Also, to shift the gear slector into neutral takes about a 2 lb push with one finger forward and there is no detent between the D position and the N position which is right in front of it.

I will take my wife and 16 YO daughter out and make them practice this exercise as well.

My guess? There is an embedded software issue in the electronic throttle control sytem.

Interesting. I was thinking the same thing.

I'm going to have a talk with my friend that owns an IS350.
Originally Posted By: prax
Drivers in other crashes also found it difficult to rein in a runaway Toyota. Guadalupe Gomez of Redwood City said he was held hostage for 20 miles on a Bay Area freeway by a 2007Camry traveling more than 100 mph.

Gomez was unable to turn off the engine or shift into neutral and then burned out his brakes before slamming into another car and killing that driver, said attorney Louis Franecke, who represented that victim's family.

20 miles???

Maybe you would freeze and do nothing for the first couple of miles, but 20 miles???

Can you not put the transmission in neutral in a modern Toyota when the vehicle is traveling?

That would have to be pure panic and a lack of coordination to not be able to have the presence of mind to put the trans in neutral at a minimum, or to try and turn the engine off.
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Originally Posted By: IntegraVT
I've read and heard a lot of criticism of Officer Saylor in regards to this horrible tragedy... I'm relieved this article mentions that it was not his vehicle, but a service loaner with all-weather mats not designed for that ES.

The loaner cars we get from our dealers all come with the thick rubber winter mats. They do not have the throttle pedal cut outs like the carpet factory mats and don't have the holes for the hook securing system either. They could be the cause because they are real bulky feeling under your feet in comparison. But, I still think it is an ETC or cruise control malfunction. It take this car 20+ seconds to get over 100mph at full throttle which is plenty of time to pull the floor mat or shut it down or go to N.
Originally Posted By: eljefino
You would think a little red "panic switch" that interrupts the fuel pump would be a good fix. Diesels often have these. Stick it under the hazard switch in the center console so a passenger could reach the thing if the driver gets incapacitated with their foot on the gas. It wouldn't have to interface the computer at all, and in fact shouldn't... so you don't have any sticky relays etc to cause potential issues.

If they don't know how to put the vehicle in neutral or turn the engine off, what are the odds that they'd even know to use that?

People need to make sure they're familiar with the basic functions of the car they're driving before they head out, though I can understand how you could overlook that in a loaner car with non-traditional controls.

When the pedal stuck on the floormats at WOT in my mother's Sunfire, I immediately put it in neutral and shut it off a couple seconds later. I tried to reproduce the event and figure out where it caught, but I could not. After, I made sure my mother knew what to do if that situation ever occurs. It seems she may have panicked in that situation, as she didn't have any immediate answer other than to brake. She never uses WOT, so I don't expect it would happen anyway.
Originally Posted By: Drew99GT

Can you not put the transmission in neutral in a modern Toyota when the vehicle is traveling?

Yes, easlily. Just flick the console shifter forward and you are in N
On a Prius when you go for neutral does anything hydraulic happen or is it just a computer signal?

While we're at it are there any automatics that don't have a mechanical way to get into neutral, for example, if a battery dies and a tow is needed?
Originally Posted By: rpn453

People need to make sure they're familiar with the basic functions of the car they're driving before they head out, though I can understand how you could overlook that in a loaner car with non-traditional controls.

It is SOP at our Lexus dealer to get the same vehicle as a loaner. They will only give you the same one or not at all. So you get a familiar car. Maybe this guy had a different one. But the logic of all the controls on all Toyota vehicles is very similar. However, if he had a regular key ignition in his car and was given one with a start/stop push button that could be the reason as our first experience with the start/stop button was very unfamiliar and confusing.
There's something to be said for mechanically operated manual transmissions. Nothing will prevent you from downshifting or forcing the engine to stall out.
Originally Posted By: eljefino
On a Prius when you go for neutral does anything hydraulic happen or is it just a computer signal?

While we're at it are there any automatics that don't have a mechanical way to get into neutral, for example, if a battery dies and a tow is needed?

The 02 Sentra I had and my 08 Corolla both have a little square key that you insert near the shift lever after removing a false plastic panel. With this, you can shift to neutral if there is no power to car.
Originally Posted By: GMFan
There's something to be said for mechanically operated manual transmissions. Nothing will prevent you from downshifting or forcing the engine to stall out.

The only option would be putting in neutral.. if I put it in 1st at WOT I'd still be doing around 30 or 40.
This reminds me of the Audi 5000 fiasco many years back. Hopefully the issue will be resolved quickly.
Notice above GM person doesn't flame if it was a GM PT1 and his croonies would be all over it!
Originally Posted By: Saturn_Fan
Originally Posted By: eljefino
On a Prius when you go for neutral does anything hydraulic happen or is it just a computer signal?

While we're at it are there any automatics that don't have a mechanical way to get into neutral, for example, if a battery dies and a tow is needed?

The 02 Sentra I had and my 08 Corolla both have a little square key that you insert near the shift lever after removing a false plastic panel. With this, you can shift to neutral if there is no power to car.

That sounds like an antitheft override. But it does still sound like a mechanical connection to a hydraulic neutral. IOW a complete computer freakout and you can still toss it from D to N.

In my driver's ed they never covered that D->N requires no button pushing or column lever pulling. Very little other useful info as well. I can see many fearing they'll "overshoot" into P or R.
I wonder if it's just the drivers today. I mean I've even accidently hit the gas and brake coming out the garage and it scared the [censored] out of me - even though I went a whole 10 feet. Atleast I caught my error - some dummys out there aren't fit to drive and rely too much on technology to save their asses.

But, if it is truly a car problem, I am sure Toyota will step up to the plate and fix it. They have to because they have been getting some negative press the last few years as far as quality issues that have popped up.
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