Tell us a couple TV commercials you can't stand

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Chevy's "real people" that obviously aren't.

The ones that are most annoying are their truck ones. The guys in those commercials pretend they don't know ANYTHING about pickups.
Come to think about it the commercials are the best part of the TV programming.
My mom will occasionally tell me about a TV commercial that is entertaining and I'll find it on YouTube. For the few network shows I watch I record on my TiVo which has a full commercial skip feature. Everything else is YouTube or Netflix.

You can never escape advertising, though. Even PBS Nova specials have some ads that play before the program. I don't begrudge sponsorship and making money. But, if you analyze the number and length of commercial breaks over the years you'll notice that they are taking over more and more of the air time. Saturday Night Live is the worst - for those who even watch it anymore. If I'm interested in any particular sketches I just watch the individually on the SNL channel on YouTube.

I guess sporting events are truly the worst when it comes to ads. I never took an interest in sports, though.
All of them.

I can't believe DVRs still exist....maybe many don't use them to avoid commercials?

We generally don't watch ANYTHING that isn't paused (to avoid commercials) or DVR'ed. We will DVR programs every night just to avoid commercials.
Commercials are part of the reason I barely watch TV these days, especially sports. 5 minutes of game time, then 15 minutes of commercials. No thanks.
I loathe ads. If I can't or don't record a program so I can fast-forward through the ads, I don't watch it. Forty-five-minute hours are bad enough without having to watch the dross that fills the rest of the time.

If a website blocks me because I don't allow multi-zillion-dollar companies to blather on my computer (with all the risks that entails and at my expense) I block the site.

We interupt this program with a news bulletin. An asteroid the size of Mars will impact the Earth in six days killing everyone and everything. But first, does irregularity slow you down so you can't play tiddlywinks with your grandchildren and make them cry? . . . .
Exranger06 beat me. I don't who is more obnoxious, Flo or the Limey Lizard. Both prevent me from buying their insurance.
Originally Posted By: copcarguy
Chevy's "real people" that obviously aren't.

The ones that are most annoying are their truck ones. The guys in those commercials pretend they don't know ANYTHING about pickups.

Like they drive a truck around with a tarp on the outside and a piece of tape over the bow tie in the steering wheel. Then they "unveil" what it was and everyone's like, Got-Dang I'da never have guessed!

They get cute girls for those ads though.

Flo's getting kinda chunky. Wonder what her deal is.
Jewelry Commercials.

It's not bad enough that they're selling a product mined by slaves, but they have to literally tell you that Diamond=Love.

There's one going around that literally says, "Show people that you are loved with a diamond!". Then this cute little heart appears all over every scene that says "I Am Loved" in the middle.

Translation: If you don't have diamonds, nobody loves you. If you're not buying diamonds, you dont love your significant other.

There was an even worse jewelry commercial that had a VERY short run that heavily insinuated that diamonds were as great of an idea for a platonic friend as they are a lover!

The injury lawyer commercials that recommend I call if I have suffered wrongful death as a result of treatment are almost as dumb. How do I call a lawyer from the grave? Or are their connections to Beelzebub so great that they assume I can drop a line from Hades?

All hands down, the worst one can be summed up with three names:

Kendall Jenner Pepsi
Mountain Dew commercial with race car driver and song I'm on top or something like that. They keep playing it over and over and it's annoying now.
I'm sure glad Dec 7th came and the Medicare Supplement Insurance deadline is up.

Now if that gadfly lady with the copper pans would disappear.
The quicker we can get through this week, the quicker we can get rid of the Honda Holiday Sales Event and that darned "Holiday Road" jingle, which is completely repulsive. Secondly repulsive is the Honda "thrill of it" jingle. I currently own a Honda but have pledged I am never buying one again.

The Discover Card with the guy playing with the dog has to be burned into ashes, along with the rest of that series except "Frog Protection", which was brilliant.
That Arby's guy should have been shot months ago. And that big jerk of a kid who can't change a flat tire. I've fallen and I can't get up lady. One of the worst commercials for me was for one of the vehicle manufacturers where every car is drifting around throwing up all kinds of dirt. On the other hand, I used to like the commercial for an an antacid where a guy is having a conversation with his stomach which leads to the stomach getting excited and falling out of his chair and going SPLAT.
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