Rant: About to leave my four year college

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Originally Posted by billt460
In your next conversation with her, tell her Trump is a POS, AOC is smarter than God, and everything should be "free". And the only thing men are good for, is to take out the garbage. And all white men are good for is NOTHING. And 2 bathrooms are not enough, have never been enough, and never will be enough. You'll get an "A"... Guaranteed.

You forgot their Hillary blankets and Bernie teddy bears to keep them safe and warm in class.
It's standard practice to call a professor "Professor," or "Dr." if they have a doctorate.

There's lots of good advice here about meeting with the prof. Don't shoot yourself in the foot because you don't like one teacher.

Contact her to set up an appointment, so she knows to expect you. Tell her you would like to discuss the assignment you got a D on.

When you meet, ask her what mistakes you made, and what you can do better on the next assignment. Stay focused on class work, and show her you're interested in meeting her expectations for that. Unless it's a class policy or something commonly offered by this professor, I probably wouldn't ask if you could revise the assignment.

You might actually get on her good side if you show yourself to be respectful and interested in her guidance about the coursework.
Originally Posted by MNgopher
An interesting dilemma in society today is how we tend to surround ourselves only with people who agree with us or see the world the same way we do. I don't think that is a good thing.

Just who are you referring to as "we"? And why should he or anyone else be forced to deal with any of her "views"? Political or otherwise. I worked for 45 years in my profession, and never once brought politics into my workplace. Because it had no place, was unnecessary, and caused nothing but trouble. Yet these far left wing, liberal professors feel the need to introduce their far left political views at every opportunity they can, regardless of what the course is they are teaching. And punish anyone academically who they feel has an opposing view. It's happening in colleges all over this country. And to deny it is being foolish.

This has gotten to the point of insanity on a lot of college campuses today, with many people being assaulted if they possess a conservative viewpoint. Or else are being barred from speaking on many of these same liberal college campuses. None of this is going to end well.

Originally Posted by FordBroncoVWJeta
At the beginning of the current 2018-19 school year I transferred to a more prestigious (for Kansas anyways) 4 year college from my community college. One of the only reasons I wanted to do it was because this college is probably the most respected criminal justice college in the state.

Well i'm tired of the campus BS. Every time I go to class the professor talks about racism, abortion,PETA, BLM ,or how Donald Trump misspelled something (she has a full blow case of TDS). Pretty much everything that doesn't have to do with the classes.

What does the study of criminal justice have to do with Trump, PETA, abortion, or BLM? It doesn't. This POS of a "professor" is bloviating her political views down the throat of her class. Because she wants to use her class a political soapbox, to push her liberal politics along with her personal viewpoint. That's not what the OP is paying tuition to learn.

This clown doesn't deserve any respect, because as I said, this has nothing to do with her being addressed with the wrong title. That's petty B.S., and nothing more. She most likely has picked up on the fact the OP is not a flaming liberal. And now she has forged a path to attempt to make his time in her class as miserable as possible because of it. She should be run out of there on a rail.
Originally Posted by billt460
In your next conversation with her, tell her Trump is a POS, AOC is smarter than God, and everything should be "free". And the only thing men are good for, is to take out the garbage. And all white men are good for is NOTHING. And 2 bathrooms are not enough, have never been enough, and never will be enough. You'll get an "A"... Guaranteed.

See the point on "...enthusiastically.." in my post? Worked well for me back during the Reagan & Bush 1 years
Originally Posted by rubberchicken
You will find plenty of conservative profs as well. Second, higher education is rife with liberal-leaning professors, just as the population in general has liberal leaning people. You need to work with them as well. Third- your prof worked very hard to get her PhD, and it is a badge worn with honor. In no way were you singled out for the Ms. title- all PhD's do it , some more than others. Make a note of it, and consider it a life lesson that you just happened to learn from her. Medical doctors do the same thing, as do judges. I know in my area that has state troopers, it is an insult to call them "officers" instead of "trooper". I am sure you can find other examples.

My advice, having been in the same situation: go visit her during her office hours- arrive at the beginning and be prepared to wait your turn. Start out with apologizing about the title,and let her know that it was an honest mistake and a lesson learned. .

I'm probably more liberal leaning than most here(yes, I know a few SJWs myself but I don't discuss politics with them) - but when I went to school I had a mix of both liberal and conservative leaning professors/teachers. Some of my teachers/professors had an casual attitude towards teaching and it showed in happy students, others too it more seriously. I took a ceramics class with a hippie instructor and a criminal law class with a former cop who had The Drudge Report as his homepage on his school-issued laptop.

The best thing you can do is go to your instructor's office hours, and apologize and show a willingness to respect her. Yes, you definitely don't see eye-to-eye with her politically. But a little respect does go a long way. College is easy, life isn't. If this was a real job, you'd be corralled into HR or be shown your walking papers(unless you're a tradesman).
Originally Posted by FordBroncoVWJeta
Originally Posted by stockrex
If prof talking about trivial stuff like that bother you bro, Criminal Justice might not be your cup of tea?

Politics doesn't bother me a bit in the right setting. But it does bother me in the classroom setting AND if someone has a conservative view she shuts them down. That I have a problem with. I don't pay thousands of dollars to spend 3/4 of the class talking about political issues. If I wanted to discuss politics on campus I would have gone into politics, not CJ.

You are the student and you picked this college and the baggage that comes with it, be a smart man and get what you need out of it.

I will repeat my last statement, if you so bothered by ANYTHING he does or says including how he runs his class, you should have dropped the class in the early period, now maybe you can be mature and complete it?

Don't go to a chinese buffet and complain of all the stir fried food.
I always liked the Lib professors. I had a lot of fun with them. Always got As too. Granted this was in FL and years ago. I may not have the same experience with the militant unhindged loons out there now.
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Originally Posted by billt460
What does the study of criminal justice have to do with Trump, PETA, abortion, or BLM? It doesn't. This POS of a "professor" is bloviating her political views down the throat of her class. Because she wants to use her class a political soapbox, to push her liberal politics along with her personal viewpoint. That's not what the OP is paying tuition to learn.

This clown doesn't deserve any respect, because as I said, this has nothing to do with her being addressed with the wrong title. That's petty B.S., and nothing more. She most likely has picked up on the fact the OP is not a flaming liberal. And now she has forged a path to attempt to make his time in her class as miserable as possible because of it. She should be run out of there on a rail.

Boy, for a person that wasn't there for the conversation and has only heard one side of the story, you sure seem to have a lot of this figured out.
And the guy who's side you have heard self describes his perspective as a rant.

Originally Posted by Imp4
Boy, for a person that wasn't there for the conversation and has only heard one side of the story, you sure seem to have a lot of this figured out.

There isn't that much to figure out. Too bad so much of it went over your head.
I think it's pretty standard for a Prof to want to be addressed as Professor or Doctor unless they indicate otherwise. I'll note that, similar to Garak, that usually they make this abundantly clear during the course introduction. I've had Profs that wanted the use of their first name only for example, so it certainly varies. My dad's a prof (retiring) and has his PhD, he's generally pretty laid back but does introduce himself as Dr. *last name* and it's typically only his grad students that he implores to address him by his first name. My sister, I've never been in any of her classes, nor has the topic ever come up in casual conversation, so I have no idea what her preference is. She has her PhD in Theoretical Mathematics.
Originally Posted by billt460
Originally Posted by Imp4
Boy, for a person that wasn't there for the conversation and has only heard one side of the story, you sure seem to have a lot of this figured out.

There isn't that much to figure out. Too bad so much of it went over your head.

Well I can see that this isn't worth it...
Have a great evening!
Originally Posted by billt460
Originally Posted by Imp4
Boy, for a person that wasn't there for the conversation and has only heard one side of the story, you sure seem to have a lot of this figured out.

There isn't that much to figure out. Too bad so much of it went over your head.
Originally Posted by Pelican
In my time (early jurassic) ANYONE teaching was called Professor regardless of academic titles. Once outside academia then the professional title was used.

They were all fine with professor as a title, including that MD and the PhDs. That one tenured professor was only an MA. I read everyone's CVs after the first day's lesson on forms of address.

Sessional lecturers can cloud the matter, since they may neither be PhDs nor professors. I rarely came across sessional lecturers personally, though.

OT, I'm not sure why that MA professor never obtained his PhD. The man, unfortunately deceased in the last couple years, wrote enough books and academic papers that it's not like he wasn't active in his field!
They had an article about this recently on news talk. Post secondary has become the haven for the lefties, political correctness and no free speech.
Originally Posted by billt460
In your next conversation with her, tell her Trump is a POS, AOC is smarter than God, and everything should be "free". And the only thing men are good for, is to take out the garbage. And all white men are good for is NOTHING. And 2 bathrooms are not enough, have never been enough, and never will be enough. You'll get an "A"... Guaranteed.

You should teach Career Sabotage 201. Next time put some indication of sarcasm for those who are not familiar with your world views and lack of hygiene. /s

(see the /s ? )
Originally Posted by rubberchicken
......... Next time put some indication of sarcasm.......

I wasn't being sarcastic. But standing up to her, even politely, wouldn't work either. That would be displaying, "Toxic Masculinity". Which would for certain do him in with the obsessed whack job.
Do you call your Dr mister?

Next, if one person over a few months bothers you the real working world may a tough place for you. Part of college is different views.
Originally Posted by madRiver
Do you call your Dr mister?

No, I call him Ben. Because that's his name. He calls me Bill, because that's mine. Neither of us have an issue with it. And this guy has spent more time and money in medical school, along with building his practice, than this self obsessed hag has, trying her best to indoctrinate her students with her obsessed political views. In a class where they have no business even being mentioned.

Originally Posted by madRiver
Part of college is different views.

No one is saying or suggesting that it shouldn't be. But students should not be punished academically, just because their political views oppose the teachers. Yet it happens all the time in colleges across the country.

Students are paying to be taught the curriculum. Not to be forced or held captive, in order to listen to daily rants by "professors" on liberal politics. All of which have no place in classrooms that are trying to teach everything but. That's not what students pay tuition for.

If you were paying for hourly flying lessons, would you want a flight instructor that spend a large part of your flying lesson every day, sitting on the tarmac, carrying on about his political views? You can't switch colleges as fast and easy as you can switch airports. These "professors" know they have a captive audience. And they make their students suffer because of it. Only because they think they are political legends in their own minds. Who are so obsessed with themselves and their radical political views, they think their opinions are worth more than anyone else's.

And for what it's worth, I spent over 45 years in the workplace. And I was never once forced to listen to someone's political views. So please tell me why should a student sitting in a classroom, who is PAYING to be educated..... Not politically indoctrinated?
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