pics of old cans

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Mar 7, 2009

Hope this works... just copy and paste in browser..cannot get the pic to be added...neat old cans though..if anyone else can..have at it
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Thank did you do that...also hope it's ok to post this here,,if not sorry..I got excited
You have to use UBBCode, as HTML is disabled. This is how I typed the tag and link:

[url =]Old Cans[/url]

Note: I put a space before and after the equal sign so that you could see the code; eliminate those spaces and you get the link.
Originally Posted By: Mustang_Cougar
You have to use UBBCode, as HTML is disabled. This is how I typed the tag and link:

[url =]Old Cans[/url]

Note: I put a space before and after the equal sign so that you could see the code; eliminate those spaces and you get the link.

Or (how I learned), just click on "Quote" and when his post comes up, you can see what he did.

Wow, some of those are OLD!! I remember seeing Quaker Maid and a few other ones in years past. Neat post!!
I like the Golden Shell, Archer, And Pennsylvania Oils. Those are what I's run if we were back in the days of SA oils. Speaking of which, a few years back I visited a machine shop which was owned by and older guy. He certainly had money judging by his new house and new cars. The unique thing about this guy is he also liked to buy and collect useless things. He called me over to a tractor trailer and he said " I bet you've never seen this". He lifted the door and inside from front to back floor to roof were were metal cans of old Quaker State motor oil. I didn't know what to say or ask him what he was going to do with it all.
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