Out of Hospital


Jun 8, 2002
Elizabethtown, Pa
Had a lot of blood in stool. After a colonoscopy (had to do the prep twice because of bleeding not stopping. Colonoscopy said I had bleeding from diverticulosis and internal hemorrhoid. I take Eliquis. They could not say it was from that. There was (I thought A LOT OF BLOOD) my blood count only dropped 1.1 in 3 days so it probably was not as bad as it looked.

I have a follow up with my doc early next week. Even though I took 2 pills so far, I won't take another till I see no blood (probably tomorrow morning).

But if it bleeds again..no second/third chance. There are other options. Believe me I am being careful with food right now and am taking MiraLAX!!!

Anyone else have this happen? Looking at a Watchman implant.
My mom at around age 80 took too much Tylenol for pain after a knee replacement and had low blood pressure. She ended up in the hospital with the same blood in stool issue as a result. She didn’t know, neither did I. She is 86 now and running a ranch with a horse on her own. Some mobility issues and half blind, but still enjoying her grandkids and me helping her along with errands.
I had 18” of my colon removed due to diverticulosis years ago. I kept getting diverticulitis and the only drug that worked was Flagyl. Drug makes you sick as a dog. When I had 6 infections in a year I couldn’t take it anymore. Only thing to do is remove the bad area. I have never missed those 18” at all.
Fiber is the best thing for it and no stuff like popcorn,nuts, seeds etc that can lodge in those pockets and become infected.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery, @Al ! I am sorry your Thanksgiving was spent at a hospital, but glad you were seen and they took care of you.
Right wrong or indifferent just till I can prove no bleeding I will take 1/2 pill twice per day.
Thank you for all the information and wishes.
Please note I look at the medical comments as "what worked for you only" and don't view them as medical "advice" (as required by this forum.