New mechanical tip

Jul 16, 2020
I’ve always wondered why the old flat head V8 Fords had a single exhaust out of the cylinder head for the two middle cylinder’s. Looking at the exhaust manifold, they look like a V6. And a water pump for each bank!
I'll bet that chain make one heckuva racket.
Probably does. And I bet the entire setup will sound awesome.

Looking at the exhaust manifold, they look like a V6. And a water pump for each bank!
Designed in a time looking for cheap, I do believe. Many tradeoffs to control cost I bet.

I recall seeing in Hot Rod magazine, Bonneville salt flat, someone used a reground cam so they could use the exhaust ports for intakes and the original intake ports for exhaust. Better breathing (forgot if turbo or super charged).
Well I see somethings are not correct...the carb's seem a bit restrictive, and the fan belt will last forever unless dry rot prevails.
Fan belt looks loose. Any lube on that giant chain is flying off in a hurry too! Figures it would have 2 water pumps, Ford is a company that thought 3 electric fuel pumps would be a smart move (twin tank F series)!