National Anthem

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Oct 23, 2009
The way the anthem was just sung for the NBA finals is the way the anthem should be sung. I think it was Marc Anthony. I don't watch basketball much but I've been watching some of the finals.
If it wasn't sung with a deep respect, like it was 50+ years ago I'd hate it! I have come to the point that when the anthem is sung like a rock song, or all jazzed up--I remain seated and refuse to recognize that it IS THE NATIONAL ANTHEM being "performed"! That is my way of protesting the kraptification of the Anthem and it has gotten worse over the years as every celeb tries to out do the previous slaughter! I've put my life on the line for the Flag and our National Anthem decades ago, so I'm not too cowed today to ignore a song I no longer recognize!
Originally Posted By: SaturnIonVue
If it wasn't sung with a deep respect, like it was 50+ years ago I'd hate it! I have come to the point that when the anthem is sung like a rock song, or all jazzed up--I remain seated and refuse to recognize that it IS THE NATIONAL ANTHEM being "performed"! That is my way of protesting the kraptification of the Anthem and it has gotten worse over the years as every celeb tries to out do the previous slaughter! I've put my life on the line for the Flag and our National Anthem decades ago, so I'm not too cowed today to ignore a song I no longer recognize!

Good for you
Originally Posted By: morris
to:SaturnIonVue ++++++++++++++ I didnt risk my life just so some nobody can screw up the National Anthem.
You are FAR from alone. John--Las Vegas.
There was a neat video on the national anthem I saw some time ago. A very young lady was performing it at the beginning of a regional hockey game (I think). About half way through, her microphone went dead. She kept singing, and some moments later, you could hear the crowd begin singing, softly, then with growing strength. They "had her back covered", it was neat, a memorable performance of the national anthem.
Worrying about whether some song is sung 'right'. Waste of time.

But then again I don't really 'get' patriotism. Maybe I lack that tribal bonding gene... I dunno.
Originally Posted By: onion

But then again I don't really 'get' patriotism.

I somewhat agree, but I still can't stand a poorly sung National Anthem. It's embarrassing to listen to.
Well I agree with you on that point. I prefer it to be sung traditionally if at all- I'm not impressed with vocal gymnastics or random changes that a performer makes to try and impress people.

But I really don't get why the song is played before big events at all.

But like I alluded to earlier, I think 'patriotism' is a tribal bonding mechanism. And sports fans definitely have a 'tribal' mentality. So I reckon maybe the anthem gets the those primitive group-think juices flowing?

And I reckon this explains part of why I couldn't care less about sports- particularly if they involve grown men chasing a ball.
Originally Posted By: onion
Well I agree with you on that point. I prefer it to be sung traditionally if at all- I'm not impressed with vocal gymnastics or random changes that a performer makes to try and impress people.

But I really don't get why the song is played before big events at all.

But like I alluded to earlier, I think 'patriotism' is a tribal bonding mechanism. And sports fans definitely have a 'tribal' mentality. So I reckon maybe the anthem gets the those primitive group-think juices flowing?

And I reckon this explains part of why I couldn't care less about sports- particularly if they involve grown men chasing a ball.

Being as I'm a Veteran and many of my Brothers in Arms have their names on The Wall,

I Thank You for your Attitude

Originally Posted By: Rick in PA
There was a neat video on the national anthem I saw some time ago. A very young lady was performing it at the beginning of a regional hockey game (I think). About half way through, her microphone went dead. She kept singing, and some moments later, you could hear the crowd begin singing, softly, then with growing strength. They "had her back covered", it was neat, a memorable performance of the national anthem.

Norfolk Admiral's Hockey game. Jan 7, 2011. Norfolk

Elizabeth Hughes, 8 years old, was the singer...
Originally Posted By: jcwit
Originally Posted By: onion
Well I agree with you on that point. I prefer it to be sung traditionally if at all- I'm not impressed with vocal gymnastics or random changes that a performer makes to try and impress people.

But I really don't get why the song is played before big events at all.

But like I alluded to earlier, I think 'patriotism' is a tribal bonding mechanism. And sports fans definitely have a 'tribal' mentality. So I reckon maybe the anthem gets the those primitive group-think juices flowing?

And I reckon this explains part of why I couldn't care less about sports- particularly if they involve grown men chasing a ball.

Being as I'm a Veteran and many of my Brothers in Arms have their names on The Wall,

I Thank You for your Attitude


You're welcome. I'm truly sorry that those guys died for no good reason.

But somehow in this twisted, upside-down world- it's seen as "patriotic" to support sending our soldiers out to die for no good reason. And anybody who opposes it is shouted down as 'unpatriotic".

This is kinda what I mean when I say that I don't "get" patriotism. Seems to me that its primary function is to shout down anybody who dares question the prevailing group-think... and to rally support for putting our people in harms way for the sake of corporate profits and half-baked nation-building dreams.

Now don't get me wrong, 'patriotism' MAY serve some other, higher, function... but I haven't seen it in MY lifetime.
I could reply and explain it all to you if in fact you would understand and except my explanation. But because of the rules of this forum I more than likely would be banned because patriotism boarders very closely on politics, which is a NO! NO!.
Originally Posted By: jcwit
I could reply and explain it all to you if in fact you would understand and except my explanation. But because of the rules of this forum I more than likely would be banned because patriotism boarders very closely on politics, which is a NO! NO!.

Some of us get it without needing an explanation.

Some of us never will.
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