Motor Guard users, what about the short rolls of

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I'll find out soon. I picked up a 4-pack at the store last week. The roll I've got in use in the Motorguard right now certainly doesn't need changing yet, but I'll do it anyhow just because I want to see what it looks like.

I may not have the new smaller Scott rolls though--they look like the normal size to me, although I haven't actually measured them.
Originally Posted By: AlaskaMike
I'll find out soon. I picked up a 4-pack at the store last week. The roll I've got in use in the Motorguard right now certainly doesn't need changing yet, but I'll do it anyhow just because I want to see what it looks like.

I may not have the new smaller Scott rolls though--they look like the normal size to me, although I haven't actually measured them.

The new ones are definitely shorter. About 4 inches, vs. close to 4.5 inches on the older rolls. I have some stash, but in about 12 months, I may be out. I will need to know if the new shorter rolls of Scott 1000 work OK, or if I need to try to seek out some industrial brand of the correct dimensions. Thanks.
I went and measured my Scott rolls and they're the new 4" unfortunately.

I'll give one a try to see how it fits, and if it doesn't work then my fallback will be the Kirkland stuff from Costco. I just bought a big bale of those and they do measure 4.5". The only downside is that they're not quite as dense as the Scott.
Cherokee, I was going back through older threads and found one where it sounded like your Zerex G-05 coolant was reacting with the epoxy coating on your Motorguard.

Did you resolve that, and if so, how?

Originally Posted By: AlaskaMike
Cherokee, I was going back through older threads and found one where it sounded like your Zerex G-05 coolant was reacting with the epoxy coating on your Motorguard.

Did you resolve that, and if so, how?


That was a good while back. I know after I added water wetter to the coolant, it ate through my water pump gasket. Don't recall if it was G-05 or the water wetter, but yea, something took the epoxy off the inside of the Motor Guard. I now use a de-epoxied (from Ralph) Motor Guard for the coolant. I now use the universal anti-freeze that everyone sells, and NO water wetter.
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Would there be any danger in letting the glycol erode away the epoxy? It's not like it's flaking off as particles. I would think over time the glycol would dissolve it and then leave the bare aluminum.
Well, just to get this in the thread, I changed out the roll in my Motorguard and my coolant doesn't seem to be reacting at all with the epoxy coating. I've only had the Motorguard plumbed in for about 5 weeks so far though.

I'll keep an eye on it, but I think it'll be okay.
Originally Posted By: AlaskaMike
Well, just to get this in the thread, I changed out the roll in my Motorguard and my coolant doesn't seem to be reacting at all with the epoxy coating. I've only had the Motorguard plumbed in for about 5 weeks so far though.

I'll keep an eye on it, but I think it'll be okay.

When my Motorguard coolant filter lost the epoxy, it came of in flakes. If you do not see any flaking, you are probably OK.
Originally Posted By: AlaskaMike
I went and measured my Scott rolls and they're the new 4" unfortunately.

I'll give one a try to see how it fits, and if it doesn't work then my fallback will be the Kirkland stuff from Costco. I just bought a big bale of those and they do measure 4.5". The only downside is that they're not quite as dense as the Scott.

One of the benefits of the Motorguard is that it has a tapered housing which helps with compressing the roll as you close it. This greatly reduces the chance of chaneling (which I don't think happens anyway in a Frantz) due to its unique design. This design has made it an excellent filter for compressed air. If compressed air can't get around it without being filtered/dried, then oil surely can't either (minus the drying part of course).

So, I would recommend the proper height of filter media as the roll may "float" in the middle of the housing and not press down on the bottom well enough to make a proper seal (due to the taper). It is the oil pressing down on top of the roll of TP in the Frantz that helps make the seal on the bottom to not let the oil bypass from being filtered. This may still happen in the Motorguard. It is the unique design of the Motorguard that makes it capable of filtering from the bottom up (backwards flow), or from the top down. The Frantz can only be filtered one way (from the top down).

So, did you try the short roll? If so, did it work? If not, have you found an alternative? Cherokee? AlaskaMike? Anyone?
I haven't tried one of the short Scott rolls yet, and probably won't. I agree with you on the purpose behind the tapered design of the MG housing, and so I'm just not even going to bother using them.

The alternative I'm going to test out is the one I mentioned in my earlier post--Kirkland brand from Costco. You may not have them in your area, but Costco is a chain of warehouse stores, and Kirkland is their house brand. Those rolls are 4.5" wide, however they have the larger diameter core tube. I think 1 5/8" instead of 1.5". I'd rather deal with that problem than the narrow roll problem.
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I purchased some of the Scott rolls at Sam's Club this past week. Yes, indeed, they are short. The center tube is larger as well (the previous ones that were individually wrapped had the old style 1.5 inch center core vs. the 1.625 which is now the "norm"). So, of course I had to do a search for the next best roll from the old scott tissue for my motorguard. I'm sure I looked goofy standing there in Sam's Club, Costco, and Dollar General measuring the hight of rolls with a ruller. But hey, it was for a good cause.

The list below is measurements I took from the six rolls that I found to have a chance to be the back up for the old scott size. I only have about 20 left of the old school ones as I purchased them in bulk at Sam's club. Needless to say, the new bulk purchase will be used for "other" purposes and may actually be donated to charity as I don't want my children to get used to the Scott brand and then get into my stash of "old scott rolls" used for filters.

All of the weights taken are with a food scale. All are taken after the roll had been downsized to fit the motorquard housing. Which by the way is about 109mm or 4.3 inches if you want to measure next time. I had a motorguard air filter from one of my direct purchases to act as the reference filter. It has a plastic center tube which I am sure added to its weight. The length measurements were taken with a cheap Harbor Freight digital calliper, but hey, the measurements should at least be comparative in nature.

TP Comparison List
Motorguard Filter......212grams 4.453 inches/113.3mm tall

Old Scott................176g 4.53in/115.07mm

Kirkland (Costco).......154g 4.3in/110.5mm

Charmin Ultrasoft......136g 4.49in/114mm

Contonelle Clean DR...102g 4.167in/105.86mm

Member Mark (Sam's)...86g 4.3in/109.3mm

New Scott Roll..........164g 4.12in/104.6mm

The Kirkland brand gets the nod in my book here as the next best motorguard filter. I just wish that the Charmin or the Kirkland was more dense (weighed as much as the old scott roll). The Cottonelle purchase as you can see was a mistake as it measured taller in the store than it did when I got the package home (must be my bifocals acting up again). Neither the Cottonelle nor the New Scott rolls had any indentation marks as we are accustomed after having the filter compressed by the filter housing.

I have used the Member's Mark (Sam's) TP in the motorguard once and it did "work" as it did get black with use, but not nearly as dark as I was used to with the scott tissue (it was just an experiment). However, I would surmise that the more dense the material (in this case heavier roll), the better filtration you will get. As you can see, it is about half the weight of the old scott tissue. I would deduce that it did not filter as well as the scott tissue. It did not get as dark, and after weighing the two rolls, I can see now wny it did not get as dark. It just plain was a more pourous filter.

I may look into getting some industrial coreless TP as per their specs online are 4.5 inches "wide." However, that would be such a pain to have to drill out the center to get it into the filter housing.

Anyway, Sorry for being so verbose. Enjoy the weekend of Football!!! Roll Tide!
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Great info! Thanks for taking the time to post those measurements.

I've been thinking that one way of dealing with the shorter roll is to wrap a few more layers onto the new roll. The older tall rolls compressed better in the Motorguard housing because they went deeper into the taper of the housing. The extra wraps might get some of that compression back.

I have to do this with the paper towel rolls in my GCF-01.
Thanks Steve, I wasn't sure about that. The rolls I'm using are pretty squishy, so I tried 10 additional wraps. The bare roll with no additional wraps actually seemed a little loose when I inserted it into the housing--it didn't provide any resistance at all.

What causes the channeling? Is it that when you get too bulky a roll in there it causes small folds on the outside of the roll?
Originally Posted By: AlaskaMike
Thanks Steve, I wasn't sure about that. The rolls I'm using are pretty squishy, so I tried 10 additional wraps. The bare roll with no additional wraps actually seemed a little loose when I inserted it into the housing--it didn't provide any resistance at all.

What causes the channeling? Is it that when you get too bulky a roll in there it causes small folds on the outside of the roll?

Exactly...while it fits tight with the extra wraps, it actually folds over on itself when inserted in the housing. The actual gcf elements fit pretty loose.
Well I'm down to 3 rolls of the old Scott's and still have not found a suitable replacement. Maybe I should call Ralph and see if he has a source.
Hey I know this is an old thread, but here is an update. I did call Ralph and he told me the shorter rolls of Scott's would be OK. I have been using them for a while and they seem to be working fine. I found enough rolls with the 1.5" core that I have a stash of it just for my Motorgards. It seems that all the new rolls have a bigger core that requires 2 core spacers (used TP cores sliced longways) to make them fit the Motorgards. Yet, with would be nice to find a brand of TP that is dense and 4.5" long with 1.5" cores.
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