How would you go about .......

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Apr 20, 2012
How would you go about hiring a private detective?

I don't want anyone to know, so I won't be asking for recommendations from people I know. So I need advice on how to choose.
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I've never needed one myself but just some suggestions [talking out the wrong end] to get the ball rolling [maybe someone who knows will chime in.] how about:

-Ask the desk clerk at the local police department for a recommendation.
-Check with the BBB for who to avoid. People complain to them about bad experiences.
-If this is related to a marital issue, ask for a recommendation from someone at the local large law firm specializing in that sort of thing or see if the clerk at the courthouse has anything to say.
-If this is related to a childcare concern, ask someone at your state's agency charged with protecting child welfare.
I hope those whom you don't want to know do not have access to your computer and browsing history.
Naturally, when hiring a private investigator one prefers to keep things confidential. Therefore, the absolute last place in the world to seek out that sort of advice is a police station, or any other state agency for that matter.

A trusted attorney would be a good place to start.
Originally Posted By: crinkles
I hope those whom you don't want to know do not have access to your computer and browsing history.

Or surf BITOG.

My suggestion: Ask mori.
when hiring a Lawyer or a detective, hire the most DISHONEST one you can find, he will get the job done, and he knows where all the body's are barried.
Look up private eyes in the phonebook and find the one with the best pushbroom mustache.
Originally Posted By: Pablo
Originally Posted By: crinkles
I hope those whom you don't want to know do not have access to your computer and browsing history.

Or surf BITOG.

My suggestion: Ask mori.

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