How hard is it to learn a guitar solo if you have never played.

Sep 10, 2005
Erie, PA
Really dumb question for sure but each time I hear Pete's solo (ussually arond the one minute mark) in all the versions of Eminence Front, I always want to play it for myself just to be able to feel it. How hard would this be to pull off? Never had a guitar in my hands.
Overall, if that were a goal? It’s doable.

How many over the years have learned to fake, “Stairway to Heaven?”

What you want to do can be achieved through repetition.

Now if you said I’d like to play like Billy Strings, how hard would that be? I’d bet that the Flyers win the Stanley Cup in 2024, before I bet you can achieve that 😆
Unless you have a natural talent, you'll have to build up to it. There's more to it than just hitting the right notes too.

I knew that song but had to check it for the solo you referred to. Parts of it are very simple but some of the fills with quick hammer-on and pull-offs are way beyond beginner stuff.
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Never had a guitar in my hands.
There's a learning curve. I pick up a guitar from time to time and soon put it back down because I have trouble touching the right strings (and only those strings) and that is despite years and years of piano playing. I can read music and understand music theory at a pretty high level but the guitar is totally frustrating to me.
Look at all the people on YouTube playing John Mayer’s, “Neon.” If someone says I’ve never held a guitar and I’d like to play it like JM does, I’d say 0-1% chance of that happening.

But we’re talking about Eminence Front.
Are you sure you wouldn't like to learn the solo from Neil Young's "Cinnamon Girl" first? 🎸(y)
If one wants to fake solos, imho popular tunes make sense. Sweet Home Alabama is sure to please. That band had 3 guys that could play leads.
If I want a good pizza, I go to a restaurant to buy it instead of buying all the ingredients and trying to make it myself which would result in something barely edible. If you want to listen to good music, you buy the record, or tape, or whatever format people buy music these days. You listen to music to relax, you shouldn't have to work for it by making it yourself.
I do not play the guitar, same as the OP. I suspect strongly that there is a long enough learning curve to get down the basics of guitar playing. After that, it requires quite a bit of technique that I would imagine needs a lot of practice to perfect the needed skills.
Look at all the people on YouTube playing John Mayer’s, “Neon.”
That song's guitar riff is complex. It's got sooooo many little nuances too that 90% of players just skip bits. Then remember that Mayer SINGS over top of his playing !!
Really dumb question for sure but each time I hear Pete's solo (ussually arond the one minute mark) in all the versions of Eminence Front, I always want to play it for myself just to be able to feel it. How hard would this be to pull off? Never had a guitar in my hands.
If you have some musical talent, it is doable; in my experience, at least.

I had never played guitar before, and I picked on up and learned a bunch of songs at one point which I attributed to many years of piano in my youth. I had no real guitar talent, but I could hit the notes in rhythm and play along with the rest of the song.
If I want a good pizza, I go to a restaurant to buy it instead of buying all the ingredients and trying to make it myself which would result in something barely edible. If you want to listen to good music, you buy the record, or tape, or whatever format people buy music these days. You listen to music to relax, you shouldn't have to work for it by making it yourself.
This is why today, I never see anyone carrying a guitar in public. Back in the day I would go all by myself, anywhere, start playing, and before I knew it maybe 5+ more people were jamming. Play a female’s request and there was a 20% chance she and her friends were coming over to my apt. For some more activity, and if all went well, they’d be there the next morning. Amazing kids today will never experience it.
Why not just buy a guitar (and a tuner, and decent strings) and start playing. How long will it take - months, maybe years, maybe never. You won't know till you try.

You may like it, or maybe not.
The key is try. Try anything. It’s often more rewarding than computer simulation.