Good movies you have watched lately?

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Nov 21, 2013
North Carolina, U.S.A.
Hello, and what are some of the good movies; that are new or old you folks have watched lately? I saw "Cinderella Man" with Russell Crowe and Renee Zellweger last night for the 1st time, great movie. Also watched "Terminator 2: Judgement Day" on Friday, forgot how good that one was.
Didnt you already start a thread like this two weeks ago?
One that I really enjoyed is "The Worlds Fastest Indian". It came out in 2005, based on a true story about speed bike racer Burt Munro.
Saw Man of Steel the other night. Fantastic film and it doesn't detract from the fun of the original Christopher Reeve films.
Unfortunately I don't out as often as i used to, but I have been replaying over and over all the commercial and clips to the new film Secret Life of Walter Mitty. I MUST go see it when it comes out.
The Hunger Games!
August: Osage County.

Very well acted, well written, well cast...primo flick.

Family stress movie. Pay attention flick. NOT FOR TV with COMMERCIALS.

Also saw "American Hustle". Nothing to write home about. A $2 movie. Fairly monotone.
My answer most likely would or will appear negative, so, here goes. I don't go to the movies much, except with the grand kids and most of those are simple, with questionable ethics, but hey, most movies are questionable ethic movies.

I like westerns, but decent ones. John Wayne westerns and war movies, usually older ones.

Hey ,,,I did like War Horse, so , yes I go to movies sometimes..but then again,,,I am a 1946 kid,,,I grew up in a different movie world .........................
Captain Phillips. Great flick, keeps your attention from the start. Excellent acting all around, especially guys who played the Somali pirates.
Originally Posted By: Quattro Pete
Gravity was pretty good, mainly for the 3D effect. It's one of those movies that's better to watch at an IMAX 3D theater.

+3 since I went and saw it 3 different times @ the iMAX...... (with 3 different women)
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