First movie you ever saw at theater or drive in?

Good Afternoon folks. My first movie I saw was “Encinitas Man” at the MoonLight Drive in with my real brother and mom. First movie I saw in theater was “T2: Judgement Day”.

Can't remember if it was Bambi or Snow White. Obviously not the premieres, must've been late 70s, maybe edging into the 80s
I remember seeing “Fantasia” and “2001, A Space Odyssey” in theaters at a young age. Since Fantasia was re-released many times, I’m not certain which was first, but 2001 was during its first run.
Good Afternoon folks. My first movie I saw was “Encinitas Man” at the MoonLight Drive in with my real brother and mom. First movie I saw in theater was “T2: Judgement Day”.
Song of the south. Unfortunately it was never released on home video as people now think it's not "politically correct. "
The first in theater movie I can recall seeing was "The Wonderful World of the Brothers Grimm" in a Cinerama theater.

The first drive in movie I can recall seeing was "Cat Ballou".
Gorgo in downtown Cleveland
I was afraid of monster movies when I was a kid. That was until I watch Gorgo and realized that Gorgo seemed to be the Great Garloo which was a toy that a lot of kids had.
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Quest For Fire, 1981

That's the first I remember. In the 70s I watched on of Clint's spaghetti westerns but don't remember which one. That was in Panama.
This famous actor's first film. Guess what it was.

Giving our ages away now.

Saw the comedy western movie Sergeants 3 staring Frank Sinatra + Dean Martin's Rat Pack. Parents took us to lots of films at local drive in. The best part was walking all thru the place in the dark to get to the lit up concession stand in the middle of the place.
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Drive-in, might have been ET. Very dim memory of a trip in PJ's to see that. Probably saw other movies at the drive-in but all of it would have been early 80's.

Equally not sure on first time in a theater. Might have been Empire Strikes Back? Again early 80's.

As a young teen in 1990 my parents moved next door to a small movie theater and I then watched many a movie--the owner had a deal, I could watch, and even get a free candy bar, if I stayed for 15 minutes afterwards and helped clean out the theater. Pretty good deal I thought. Rarely go out anymore though.
I think per my parents it’s gonna be a Chitty Chitty Bamg Bang or Oliver deal. Just googled to see and they are same year, so not sure which came out first. I woulda been a baby so I wouldn’t remember and not sure if it counts in the context of the question…
The first one I remember was Jaws 3 in the theater. This one was particularly memorable because it was THREE DEE, and kept taking the glasses off because it was terrifying as an innocent 5 year old. 🦈
I watched Jaws at the theater and for some period after couldn't go to the bathroom alone because he might crash through the window for a snack
I know I saw some earlier flicks at drive-ins with my parents, but the first one I can recall is "The Longest Day". I think that was 1962. I went there with my mother as part of a downtown shopping day. I thought we were going to see "Dr. No" next door. I did manage to catch "Dr. No" later and then made the opening night for all the Bond films for many years. Also, the flicks starring Hayley Mills.