Car Features You'd Pay To Remove

Everyone knows Iā€™ll pay to remove push button start lol. That and plastic covering the engine I want to be able to see all metal haha. And steel wheels I hate steel wheels mainly because you can only use hammer on weights most of the time. I donā€™t mind the look of them without any caps.
What is it with people pushing the lock button on their key fob multiple times? Do they just want to annoy everyone with the chirp?
The Toyotas we have bypass the automatic headlight timeout delay if you lock them twice. So a single lock button press lets the light timeout run to zero and then turns out the lights as normal after 30 seconds or a minute, but a double lock button press immediately turns them off.

I like and make use of this because itā€™s a nice confirmation that the car is locked if youā€™re a few paces from the car, especially when coupled with the ā€œbeepā€ sound.
From my present car:
Rear center fold-down armrest; adds useless weight & makes the center position nearly uninhabitable.
Power steering
Power windows (usually; occasionally they're handy)
Automatic temperature control with no way to turn heat off without lowering set temperature
Center "flying buttress" with badly placed console box with overly complex lid mechanism
Ultra-low-resolution fuel gauge
2-stage latch for hatch
Controls other than horn on steering wheel
You haven't had to drill out many riveted-in lock cylinders and it shows
Only once in school when we misplaced the keys to a car lol. For a riveted one anyway and we were scrapping the car. I once broke a plastic piece on a dash replacing a push button start and it was a really expensive piece for the shop to pay for and I got my tail chewed for that one. I went to pop it off with the tool and it got stuck and I pried a little to hard. Iā€™m not a fan of dash work as you can tell haha. I will say I do feel they have improved something about them though I used to see them fail a whole lot more frequently than I do now. Especially on Toyota products but have also replaced them on Dodge and Honda and Subaru. One of the Toyota ones the lady rear ended someone and spilled her Mtn Dew all over the button and it got sticky so it would stick in and out. Thatā€™s why I had to replace that one it wasnā€™t bad otherwise. She crushed the foam cup when she hit the dash.
Everyone knows Iā€™ll pay to remove push button start lol. That and plastic covering the engine I want to be able to see all metal haha. And steel wheels I hate steel wheels mainly because you can only use hammer on weights most of the time. I donā€™t mind the look of them without any caps.

Remove the plastic engine cover and you will find a plastic valve cover plus plastic intakes.