Brake pads for a 2017 Lexus RX350

Dec 16, 2006
East Coast
The above vehicle was bought a year ago from the original owner. The previous owner had the front and rear brakes replaced at an auto repair shop that used unknown brake components. The vehicle stops with no shakes, but to me, it doesn’t have enough bite.

I was thinking of replacing just the pads myself and looked at the Raybestos EHT Element 3 pads for the front and rear of this vehicle.

I’ve read posts on here people praising them.

Has anyone had experience with these on this platform or similar Highlander?

They are very inexpensive on Amazon and Rockauto, almost making me nervous as to why ($26.54 for the front and $19.32 for the rear).

I know many would recommend the OEM pads but they are expensive and I would need to buy shims for them as the originals were thrown out when the shop replaced the brakes for the previous owner with aftermarket pads.

This vehicle doesn’t get driven often but when it does, I’d like a little more grip from the brakes.

Lots of good replacement pads on the market and there will be some good recommendations here. The best pads I've ever used on our Lexus RX was Akebono ProACT Ceramic. They were as close to OE as I've ever used. They had very nice bite right from the very first stop without sending you through the windshield and were smooth & quiet with minimal dusting just like OE. However, there are other brands to choose from as well.
On my Hondas I use OEM brake pads... You can go online and purchase them.. They come complete with new shims and even a packet of brake grease. I am sure that you can go online and get a OEM set for Lexus too....
I can only comment on my use of Raybestos EHT pads on my Lexus GS350. My car weighs 3700 and yours about 4300.

1. Just as quiet as the factory pads.
2. No dust
3. Initial “bite” as good or better than factory with excellent modulation
4. Longevity appears better than factory.
Lots of good replacement pads on the market and there will be some good recommendations here. The best pads I've ever used on our Lexus RX was Akebono ProACT Ceramic. They were as close to OE as I've ever used. They had very nice bite right from the very first stop without sending you through the windshield and were smooth & quiet with minimal dusting just like OE. However, there are other brands to choose from as well.
I’ve used Akebono ProACT pads in multiple applications before. Even though the brakes have always been silent after install, I’ve noticed less in bite on them from OEM in most applications I have used them in. They will stop the car and produce smooth stops but required more pedal effort.

I did like the Akebono Performance line I’ve used on one previous vehicle but they do not offer them for all applications like they do with the ProACT line.
I’ve used Akebono ProACT pads in multiple applications before. Even though the brakes have always been silent after install, I’ve noticed less in bite on them from OEM in most applications I have used them in. They will stop the car and produce smooth stops but required more pedal effort.
Been noticing the same. The increase in pedal effort is quite noticeable - some people like to call it "a more progressive pedal."
On my LS430 purchased used the selling dealer replaced fronts only all OE.

The rears had cheesy rusted hats so I couldn’t wait to replace them. In doing so I forgot to undo the parking brake so shoes went a flyin when I knocked the rotors off. 😂

I got Centrics that really resemble OE except the hats are black, whereas OE is gray.

The centrics were $27 hahahahaha Amazon special I think they were maybe $50 on rock. Put those on with akebono proacts and they never made noise. Been on the car 5 years and hats never rusted. Nobody knows not OE. They even had the Toyota cross hatching when new. This combo I will use again on the fronts.

Fronts I did pads only so akebono with OE rotors…my .02
While I like the raybestos element 3 line... a hybrid ceramic type pad will not have performance feel that you seem to be seeking.
Wouldnt be surprised if you were happy or not happy as that is a personal feeling with the brakes.

I just replaced the front brakes on the elantra rotors and pads.. and love the anti rust coating.. very smooth braking and seems better than the oem I took off but they were worn and almost done... would they be better than NEW oem? not sure.
they were however 106$ shipped vs 800+$ the dealer wanted.

Just remember sporty brake pads may produce prodigious amounts of dusting... I think you might be more satisfied with EBC
Yellow or maybe Red. if these charts are right.

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I used Textar pads (OE) on my '13 GS350 F Sport; excellent pads but they squeal like a pig. These cars are legendary for this. Lex has a TSB pad which I am now using.

On your RX, I would bite the bullit and go OE. Check online and all your local dealerships for pricing. My 2nd choice might be Centric...
Good luck and post your results.
@The Critic was singing the praises with the Akebono Performance line. Never used the EHTs here. Toyota does make two brake pad lines - the OE “warranty” pads, which would be same as what that RX left the factory with, and a TCMC Premium “aftermarket” pad so Toyota dealers can be competitive with aftermarket parts used at a local shop. Both pads require a new shim kit, the TCMC pads might feel a bit different than OE and might be a bit noisy.
It's a 4500 pound SUV. It's not going to stop like a 3500 pound sport sedan just by changing brake pads. Maybe install a big brake kit if they even make one for it, but that's a few thousand you don't want to spend.
My wife's 2019 RX 350 needed new brakes by 20k miles and she drives like grandma. It's heavy SUV for its size.
@The Critic was singing the praises with the Akebono Performance line. Never used the EHTs here. Toyota does make two brake pad lines - the OE “warranty” pads, which would be same as what that RX left the factory with, and a TCMC Premium “aftermarket” pad so Toyota dealers can be competitive with aftermarket parts used at a local shop. Both pads require a new shim kit, the TCMC pads might feel a bit different than OE and might be a bit noisy.
My car after the dealer OE replacement (they even replaced the caliper bolts as supposed to and sensor wire) lacked the shims! There was a clunk which I asked the indie to diagnose. Sure enough it was the shims not being there allowing the pads to slide more than by design. There are 8 per axle. Not cheap either. Nor the bolts. Not sure if a rx has fixed calipers, tend to doubt it. I recall a rx-l having solid rear discs
Powerstop Z23 pads (and rotors) front and rear on our well enough. Also a fan of Centric Posi-Quiet them on my Atlas. Both from Rockauto.
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While I like the raybestos element 3 line... a hybrid ceramic type pad will not have performance feel that you seem to be seeking.
Wouldnt be surprised if you were happy or not happy as that is a personal feeling with the brakes.

I just replaced the front brakes on the elantra rotors and pads.. and love the anti rust coating.. very smooth braking and seems better than the oem I took off but they were worn and almost done... would they be better than NEW oem? not sure.
they were however 106$ shipped vs 800+$ the dealer wanted.

Just remember sporty brake pads may produce prodigious amounts of dusting... I think you might be more satisfied with EBC
Yellow or maybe Red. if these charts are right.
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I'm a fan of EBC and run them on several of my vehicles. Here probably green's. Yellows are great but v. dusty and probably overkill.