Are you a Biker or Rider???

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Dec 9, 2011
My definition of Biker or Rider is simple and its broken down into a percentile you have
mastered of your motorcycle's ability regardless of the type of bike you choose... so
skill of riding matters more than type of bike...

49% Bikers have mastered 49% of their motorcycle's ability and bring
their environment to the riding experience...

51% Riders have mastered 51% and above of their motorcycle's ability
and their experience are defined by the environment...

Bikers bring coolness... we all like cool people who nether hope nor
fear too much... who stand slander very well... whom current events
make little or no impression... they are convinced beyond a doubt that
they are right... who will face death with firmness as trees and
animals do...

Riders test coolness... keep your wits over the most demanding
situation... it is by presence of mind in untried emergencies that the
metal of a rider is tested... if you keep your head when all about are
losing theirs... it's possible you have really grasp the situation
more than just grasping handle bars...

Bikers bring comfort... from a easy chair / foots stool to a bike...
forward controls is a logically choice... their bodies lust for
comfort but in a vanity sort of way... being unaware comfortably...

Riders... comfort is a superfluous thing... a softness that will steal
into your life and become the master... being comfortably aware that
luxury consumes more than it produces...

Bikers... mind not how well you ride... but how well they look at
riding... people can say what they will about riding but they cannot
ride just as they will... their looks frequently reveal what their
words are calculated to conceal... relying on a persona which is meant
to suggest that they are not looking for trouble but would just as
soon toss a gesture your way as not...

Riders... are a loose knit group who have mastered 51% or better of
their motorcycles ability... they don't care how much a person talks
about their riding... if... they will only say it in a few words...

Bikers bring together heart for others in their own community...
always made up for the individuals who bond together by locking
themselves in by locking others out... the road to their door is
narrow but the gate... once accepted... is wide...

Rider's will may become perverse in quickness... lust may grow from
it... give into the lust and habit is born... fail resisting the habit
and it becomes a necessity... like links to a chain... it's a force
holding them fast as slaves...
Originally Posted By: Tegger
If your motorcycle has a radio, are you a Biker or a Rider?
My guess would be "biker"-and if you ride wheelies on your crotch rocket going by me at 70 on a busy interstate-you'd be a "rider"!
Interesting thoughts

Some of us enjoy the motorcycle and enjoy the ride. Our ride is the destination.

Don't know what I am. I hardly ride like I used to. In the past I would ride 20k miles a year but now I have slowed down and only ride about 10k miles a year. I really need to get back in the saddle and ride some more. Maybe I will get on a trip to Colorado soon. Really love that state. And New Mexico.

I don't know what I am. Don't worry much about my looks. Just like to ride and the friendships that come out of it.

I think I will go for a 3 day cruise and contemplate life soon.

Originally Posted By: bullwinkle
Originally Posted By: Tegger
If your motorcycle has a radio, are you a Biker or a Rider?
My guess would be "biker"-and if you ride wheelies on your crotch rocket going by me at 70 on a busy interstate-you'd be a "rider"!

Or an organ donor.
I am a Motorcyclist. I've ridden a variety of Motorcycles on dirt trails to Roadracing tracks, and all kinds of roads in-between. I choose to live a life painted in bright, bold colors, and amazing experiences. Not huddled at home living a drab, gray existence, afraid to enjoy life.

I'm also a registered Organ Donor, as noted on my Drivers License. The life saved by a registered Organ Donor, may be your own or that of someone you love.
i ride a dual sport.i have the option of dirt,street and anything in between. its definatly easier to ride up a curb or over a lawn when a car merges you out of your lane on a ds bike than a harley or sport bike
I ride to work on my 250, i ride it for errands such as home depot and small grocery items. My bike has a really hard seat , i can only stand an hour on it. I do like that it is simple has no gauges other that speed distance.I understand some people put cell phone holders on their bikes! I'm not sure where i fit in, some say a 250 is not a bike .
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I have no clue, biker or rider? I've been riding for over 40 years. I've had many bikes. Still ride the old racer from the 70s. Maybe I'm a motorcyclist?

I consider myself to be a motorcyclist, after 46 years of riding. "Biker" means a whole other thing, in my mind.

My wife makes rugs by installing narrow strips of wool on a backing, with a hook. This is called "Rug hooking".

A friend of mine takes great pleasure in introducing us as "The Biker and his Hooker wife."

I could hurt him......But it would just feed his fantasy.
I'm a rider.

I ride because there is nothing like it in the world.

I ride because the sound of a well tuned engine spinning north of 10,000 RPM is music to my ears.

I ride because for me the journey is the destination.

I ride because I love to ride!!!
Originally Posted By: Quattro Pete
I don't like to be categorized using subjective terminology.

Me either. I have a motorcycle I get on and "drive" from time to time.....just like I do with my truck. Except I get in the truck and drive it.

Regardless of what type of motorcycle you drive.....respect it for what it can do. Same applies to any other vehicle.
You tell me. I have over 200K miles on several motorcycles, from my first, a 1979 HD Wideglide, to what I'm currently on, a 2011 HD Streetglide. Been coast to coast, Canada, The Keys, Cali to Maine. Also have been on countless poker runs and day trips.
That's too much thinking!! I have four bikes, ride because I enjoy motorcycles and riding them. I avoid Starbucks and could care less what I look like. I have never bought anything Joe Rocket or Icon. I have a dual sport and as an earlier poster said, they're the funnest.
I'll nibble a bit...

I've only been riding since mid-2011...scooter, first, interjecting motorcycle, then more motorcycle with some scooter, and currently motorcycle only; I'm no biker...i'm no scooterist...I'm a rider (as in I enjoy riding without the stereotypical labeling that is associated with the different subgroups)
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