Why do people hate walmart so much?

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Oct 11, 2004
upstate n.y
Im asking this because I do not understand why, People say its because they ruin the mom and pops, Well what about the Home depots and the lowes **** you cn even say the Advance autos and Auto zones and Pep boys they ruin the independent also did they not? How about all the fast food places and the pizza huts and TGIF's and Appleby's etc did they not have help in shutting down the little restaurants in the neighborhood? How about all the citgos and Mobil's and Sunnoco's how many litte mom and pops did they shut down when when they expanded to every street corner? The list goes on and on. The walmart near me contributes a great deal to the community, still lets the Salvation army set up in front of the stores during the holiday season, Hires the older folk who otherwise could not live on what ever retirment they are receiving, lets the boy scouts,little league teams, girl scouts etc set up in front to sell cookies and have raffles,how much more community feeling can you get? I dont see the others doing that. The walmart around here has donated money to the fire depts so they can get a special camera to see thru the smoke, let the fire companys hold raffles in the parking lot.,and to top it off I do not know of ONE business that got hurt because Walmart came to town, if anything it helped bring in business.So why do you hate walmart so much? Are they the only BIG BOX that has hurt others? I dont think so. I not sticking up for walmart but I can notice the good also
I have a hard time supporting a company that pays pizz-poor wages to its employees yet has multiple billionaire family members.
Maybe because they force any supplier to move off shore to China and make the stuff, then try to play up the home spun crap about how American and Patriotic they are??? They treat there employeees like crap, low wage for the avg employee, no benefits?? Of course they werent alway like that, just the last 10 years or so with the current crap upper management. I believe Nova did a big 3 day deal on their business practices. Most people dont have a problem with them competing against mom and pop stores, just how they brutalize their suppliers and make them close up shop in US to go to China.
You can bet, every time they give out a couple of bucks that everyone and their brother knows about it. In the grand scheme of things I'm guessing the amount they give away is very very small. And of course they get tax breaks. The small businesses in my town are generous when compared to Walmart in my opinion.

I think VNT has it.

[ June 15, 2006, 03:00 PM: Message edited by: Al ]
I don't think anyone is forcing those folks to work at Wal*Mart.

If they don't like the wages, they should do like you do regarding shopping and not work there. They have the same freedom to get a job elsewhere as you have to shope elsewhere.

It really is that simple.

Last time I checked, Wal*Mart was not rounding up folks on the streets at gun point, forcing them to take those jobs in the stores.
I don't see K-mart or any other retailer paying any better. K-mart was around decades before Wal Mart even opened its first store and K should have easily been able to cream WM. The fact that Wal Mart started as nothing and became the world's largest retailer is why the Walton family are millionaires. Rightly so. Any of the small local businesses anywhere could have done just the same as Sam Walton did.

It has only been a little over a decade since WM came to Maryland. Before then, stores were selling plenty of imported junk at prices much higher than Wal Mart charges for better stuff. I thank them for giving me better options.

And I am glad they are helping me out by constantly pressuring suppliers for lower prices. Why is that wrong? It's not wrong when I try to negotiate a better deal at a car dealership, why should anything else be any different?
As an ex-employee I can confirm the low wages.

Other than that, I go there a lot! I love their oil selection, food, auto department, and what not. Besides Vons (grocery store), I go the most often to Wal-Mart.

One thing I dislike is how 80%+ of the stuff is made in china. Wal-Mart was founded on MADE in the USA stuff.
I guess it depends on what you buy at Wal*Mart.

If I'm buying a Mattel toy, I doubt the one at Wal*Mart is made in a different factory than the same toy at Toys R Us, or any other toy store. So I'm not sure the Made in China complaint is valid.

I mostly buy food, (most of it is domestic, perhaps some produce is imported during our off seasons), motor oil, and sundries such as toothpaste, mouthwash, TP, etc.

I really doubt those items are special made in China for Wal*Mart, but K-Mart and Target get the Made in USA version by the same maker.
As everyone knows, money is the name of the game. Walmart can get a toy made in China for $.84 and sell it for $14.95 and get away with it.

Walmart can shop suppliers for pennies per item per pound savings and get away with it. As a buyer, Walmart can just about dictate the price they want to pay. As a supplier, if you don't like it, tough, Walmart will go to your competition and get it from them. Supposedly it is this buying power that nets you, the customer, the savings.

Walmart provides lower wages than most but they don't sell their wage. Walmart sells their long term benefits. If you are a summer job or a part timer, you won't benefit. If you are in for the long haul, the profit sharing and stock options will, in the end, make up the difference.

Walmart products are no real different than what you get at Target or K-mart. The names may be a little different but the principle is the same.
the reason i hate walmart is a little different, i mean, their return policy is pretty sweet, usually no questions asked, maybe they know their stuff is trash? number #1 reason i hate walmart is they treat their employees like crap... my cousin works for them and i actually applied for them working overnight, she said they didn't want me because of an answer i gave on their computer based application. The question was "would you leave a job you disliked?" and i said "yes", you read into that what you want lmao...

#2 reason.... it's like disneyland on christmas at almost every walmart you walk into, shoulder to shoulder mob, you can't breathe in there and most shoppers take up the entire aisle with their cart and 5 kids.
The story of the $2 shower head...

I moved into a new apartment several months ago. The shower head was kind of crappy, giving out a spray like I was being peed on by drunken monkeys.

So it was going to be, I thought. The lease is up in a year, I can live with it, it was only a little annoying. Then I happened to walk by the aisle where the shower heads were at Wal Mart. And there it was, the $2 shower head.

At that price, I figured it was worth a try. I don't think I would have gone beyond $7... and I never could have imagined anybody would sell a shower head for less than $8. $2! Only Wal Mart would sell something for $2 even though they could probably double that price.

Now the story gets good... I assembled my wrench and roll of teflon tape. I unwrapped the new shower head. What is that tucked inside? It's a mini roll of teflon tape! Already included! For $2! How thoughtful they were. No way K mart would have been that thoughtful.

I put it on in 5 minutes without trouble and it is really nice. Much better than any other cheap or moderate cost shower head I have seen. No more monkey ***.

It reminds me of another thing I bought back in the 80's from JC Penny. Only because the experience was the complete opposite. It was a ceiling mounted light. Not cheap, either. It didn't have the necessary hardware and the mounting holes were misaligned from the factory so I had to spend a good deal of time to modify it.

This is why Wal Mart is successful and JC Penny has floundered for years.
You know, it's just not Walmart on paying low wages. Look at your clothes, just where do you think they were made? There isn't almost any thing you can buy that wasn't made from cheap labor. If you want to blame anyone, blame Reagan. He is the one that told us that we are moving away from a service industry standard.
I live next door to a Wal-Mart pretty much. Only reason I hate them is because every time I go in there, I manage to come out with a bag of junk food, all stuff that isn't good for me.

Their prices seem to be higher than most of the local merchants. But they are one of the better quality employers around here to work for.

If they don't like the wages, they should do like you do regarding shopping and not work there. They have the same freedom to get a job elsewhere as you have to shope elsewhere.

It really is that simple.

Last time I checked, Wal*Mart was not rounding up folks on the streets at gun point, forcing them to take those jobs in the stores.

When Wal-Mart became one of the largest employers in the country it took away many of those opportunities to work for someone else at higher wages.

So they don't have to use a gun to hire you, not a clearly visible one anyway. But the force is still there.

Yes, they trumpet the "opportunities" they give. But they don't talk about the ones they took away.
And computers have all but put typewriter repair guys out of business.

I don't see you complaining about IBM, Microsoft or Dell.

So why Wal*Mart?

The market changes, for everyone.

People want $40 disposible DVD players, not $250 units that are repaired by a $75/hour electronics tech.

There are new oppotunities everday.

Hey, I know what. Maybe now that Wal*Mart has put mom and pop out of the biz, one of those kids working for mom and pop can now perfect cold fusion.

What I'm saying is we don't know, long term down the road, if anything is good or bad. Wal*Mart could be the greatest thing since sliced bread, freeing the job market for a bold thinker who can solve problems instead of feeling compelled to work for mom and dad in the family business.

It's not good, nor bad, it's just a thing.
Part of the issue is this:

When Walmart decides to build, towns and cities get happy. Big tax base coming in. When Walmart builds, they usually bring in a few other stores as well which count on the people shopping at Walmart to stop in their stores.

When Walmart leaves, it sucks the life out of those stores. People stop coming and the strip mall or whatever dies.

The problem now is that Walmart brings it's own banks and hair salons and eye doctors and nail salons and whatever else they decide to put inside their stores so the little guys don't popup next to them anymore.

And how do they take away opportunities? For whom? The little guy? The communities? Please explain.

Originally posted by njc:
Costco, conversely, gets criticized for paying their employees too much. Costco's Dilemma

You know something's wrong with the way business people think when they criticize a business, which is making excellent profits, for treating its employees *well*:

"Mr. Dreher says the unusually high wages and benefits contribute to investor concerns that profit margins at Costco aren't as high as they should be."

Translated: "Costco's not squeezin' them darkies enough! We're only gettin' two hunnert pounds of cotton a day instead of our Gawd-given right of two-twenty! Time to give 'em a taste of the lash!"

(An aside: Why is it that the media always describe investors as "spooked" by some tidbit of bad news? What are they, a herd of wild horses who panic at the sight of a snake?)

I hate Wal-Mart because of the rep it has for mistreating and underpaying its workers. Also I agree with The One: It's viciously overcrowded with the sort of people (read: those with hordes of kids) I don't like to deal with. Besides, the prices in the WM in my neighborhood aren't that much lower than going to the independent, small-chain grocery or to Ace Hardware -- local people.

The other day I got dragged to Volde-Mart by my lady friend, Miss Linda, who loves the place. We spent 15 minutes shopping, and 20 minutes standing in line because (at 8:30 a.m. on a Sunday) there were only two checkouts open. My time's worth more than that.

-- Paul W.

Originally posted by Benzadmiral:


Originally posted by njc:
Costco, conversely, gets criticized for paying their employees too much. Costco's Dilemma

You know something's wrong with the way business people think when they criticize a business, which is making excellent profits, for treating its employees *well*:

Paul, I recall hearing a news snippet about Costco's CEO as an example of those taking moderate sums for corporate work. I couldn't find a link though.

But the employees are notably happier at Costco ... I don't know what it is but it's distinctly different from local Walmart or Superstore—or even Safeway.
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