What are you eating right now?

100% agree.

Some people can't take a little ribbing.

I mean if I were serious I would have said "There is a reason he wrote 'bit of a Cliff Bar' "

He also wrote "Eat your Carbs very important" with no context or disclaimer. Interesting!
Sure but when people say "Don't eat carbs" where's the disclaimer? The problem is, let hypothetical person X have one eggroll or one cookie and he'll probably have all of them.
But whatever - you are right, it's all about the individual. I had to whip out my license for a Turo rental (since cancelled) "185 pounds" I remember back then, even that was a bit of a stretch. Now I'm 165, feel good, active, BG mostly good and will be 66 soon.
My lowest weight I can remember was 176 lbs at age 16 and 6 '1". I feel probably best between 200 and 212.
Food truck tonight in central California. Had choice of numerous taco trucks, numerous curry trucks, or one Italian. I went with the Italian.

Price was very reasonable, food quality reflects the price.

I just had a protein drink. Neighbor said she is bringing food later. Sitting on my rear end does not require much food.

Talked to her about my Son-in-law having brain surgery. She has a bunch of church ladies that have a prayer group and they all are on board. Texted her a pic of him after surgery. Now they can all know who they are praying about.