Red oil in an 07 Camry???

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Jan 24, 2008
Yesterday I decided to check my dad's oil in his 07 Camry 4 cyl with 26k on her. The color of it was dark red and was a full quart low. He just had it changed at the Toyota dealer a few months ago and there only 3k on the oil now. The dealer says they use Mobil.

Any thoughts? I'm thinking the dealer may have put some transmission fluid in there by mistake. I have an oil change appt at a different toyo dealer to change it out and see what they think of it. Going to have them draw a sample for uoa.
Normal for used oil to have slightly reddish tinge to it. I think I've read that moly in oils reacts to heat and turns slightly red.
Yes, positive I checked the oil and not the trans fluid. When I showed the dipstick to my brother the first thing he commented on was the red color.

My mom has an 05 Matrix that has gone there for a few oil changes and it never looks red in color.
That sounds odd to me. I've checked plenty of dipsticks but can't ever recall seeing red oil.

I'd change it ASAP and try to watch the tech when he's pouring in the fresh oil, if only to make sure he doesn't dump in coolant or diet Coke or something instead of motor oil.
Originally Posted By: satinsilver
Yes, positive I checked the oil and not the trans fluid. When I showed the dipstick to my brother the first thing he commented on was the red color.

I'd get that changed ASAP.
Heyyy just looks red in my 2005 Camry too . It seems like the marks between " low & full " is colored on the dip stick , so in turn it just looks red colored. Put some oil on your finger from it.... or on a paper towel..... betcha it's normal in color.
Originally Posted By: PT1
Still another one of the many reasons I change my own Oil. I should be making a list.

YEPPP...gotta change that oil. I have a 89 Celica in my drive way with 349 k on it.....never touched the motor , nor did it use any oil between changes....never a problem.
I have seen plenty of different brands of dino oil come out with a redish hue mixed with the amber or brown color. You can normaly only see it in direct sunlight. I would not worry about it if it is is just a redish hue but if it is dark solid red as in the completly the color and smell of ATF then their is a problem. I do not know how though you could ever not be able to tell the difference between motor oil and ATF they do not smell the smae lookthe same or even feel the same between your fingers. It would be like mistakeing bile for blood nothing alike!
In fact if they did put ATF in their make sure you get a UOA done so you can get them to extend the powertrain warranty because where metals will be ski high if it is ATF in the crankcase and his entire engine would be dirty and gummy! Som Auto-Rx would be in order.
Thanks everyone for the comments and suggestions. Luckily my dad hasn't driven the car since I checked it. I suggested he drive mom's Matrix till Friday which is when he's scheduled for an oil change.

He's going back to the dealer he bought this car and 3 previous one's from. He went to this other toyo dealer because of some coupons they sent him and the original dealer was doing some serious contruction to their service dept.(now complete)
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