MPV 7100 Hybrid Mower

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Feb 19, 2013
Prospect, KY
Anyone have one of these or know anything about them. Sometimes called the Raven.

I am considering getting one. Not sure how well it will mow on the hills that I have but no hyrdo to overheat or belt to replace. Electric motors drive and deck.
Oh man, are those electric motors on the deck? Direct drive? HOLY MOLY, bend a spindle and I cannot imagine the cost.
They say if you hit a stump or rock the motor has built in protection to kick out unlike a belt drive. You simply turn the mower off and on to reset it.
These first came out a couple years ago and they were selling them at Lowe's. Awesome concept but they had major issues and were pulled from the market. Hopefully they've solved all the problems before relaunching them.
Like KD- said above, these machines were available at Lowes for barely a season several years ago if I recall correctly. I also believe there was a member here who owned one for a short period of time, but returned it. They looked pretty well built with a very heavy-duty looking cast iron rear axle/differential like a mini truck rear end.
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