Kreen Update

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It doesn't matter at all,there are no special requirements.
Put approx 3oz per qt of oil in the crankcase on top of a full sump (don't leave 1/2 a qt out in other words)then run it for 1k if its clean you don't need to do anything else for the rest of the OCI.
If it still looks like it needs a little more put another dose in and run it another 1K.

Do a 3K OCI if only 1 dose was used and right after the second does is finished if 2 were used or 2K.
I am always skeptical of products until I see for it myself.

I just ordered a gallon of Kreen to see if it will clean up the Volvo I just picked up. I guess I won't hold my breath but we'll see.

This inside is VARNISHED. I did a oil drain yesterday and all around the oil filter/inside is just pure dark orange. I can't even read off the engine oil dipstick unless I feel where the oil is because the whole bottom half is varnished as well. I'm hoping to remedy this with Kreen if possible.
I wish I had a taken a picture before I start treatment. :p Don't really feel like getting under the vehicle again.
The stuff works very quickly on vanish,the oil after 1K will look dark reddish brown from all the varnish.
Keep us posted if you will.
Have you tried taking few drops of Kreen and applying directly to the dip stick? Would it melt the metal ? :)

- Vikas
Has anyone tried this in a hpcr diesel?

I wonder what if anything bad might happen to a high pressure system. Also since a diesel atomizes the fuel at extreme high pressure, would the engine have a sudden preignition problem?

I do know that my Cummins has a problem, as most diesels do, with soot build up with normal OCI. I am changing oil at 7500 to 10,000 and using UOA's to measure wear and contamination.
Currently my fresh oil will be BLACK inside of 100 miles, and most folks I have talked with, say that is normal for these engines. ( time for an auxillery oil filter system!!)
I haven't on diesel engines as they not as really prone to varnish and sludge as gasoline engines.
There probably wouldn't be any issues at all adding 16oz to a full tank but i would add 8 oz to half a tank first just in case then you could further dilute it.

Don't worry about the oil getting black it is 100% normal,my old MB 200D would turn oil black in 50KM,its the nature of the beast and harmless.

what was your shipping time like?

Anywhere from 5-7 days it has to go ground.
Any thoughts on how well KREEN would remove sludge and caked on deposits, a friend of mine has been using MMO during his last OCI, I just think it is time for a stronger product.
Caked on deposits and heavy sludge are a nightmare and from what i have seen is pretty much beyond any sort of additive if its a real nasty mess or caked on thick.
When i get a bad one its a covers off and pan drop then manually clean this junk out.

Once its somewhat clean the Kreen cleans the stuff that cant be got at and any remnants well.
My biggest fear with a real sludge engine is the pick up tube,
if that gets clogged up its game over.

Every case is individual the trick is knowing when to throw the towel in and start taking it apart.
Well, I'll be here at Polk for at least another year so I'm trying not to think much about it. I'll consider it another Camp Hovey, Korea and just wait my time.
Originally Posted By: Trav
Caked on deposits and heavy sludge are a nightmare and from what i have seen is pretty much beyond any sort of additive if its a real nasty mess or caked on thick.
When i get a bad one its a covers off and pan drop then manually clean this junk out.

Once its somewhat clean the Kreen cleans the stuff that cant be got at and any remnants well.
My biggest fear with a real sludge engine is the pick up tube,
if that gets clogged up its game over.

Every case is individual the trick is knowing when to throw the towel in and start taking it apart.

Trav, I want to thank you for your honest opinion, you did not tell me that KREEN would automatically solve my friends problems with his engine.

I can remember reading old posts here where a certain spokesperson would claim his oil additive would do anything, since you do have experience and you are not trying to sell us something, I really do think we should listen to Trav if we need to find out how to clean up a very dirty and neglected engine.
Originally Posted By: r34dy2fly
Well, I'll be here at Polk for at least another year so I'm trying not to think much about it. I'll consider it another Camp Hovey, Korea and just wait my time.

Thank you for the service to our country
Thank you for the thank you.

And I'll have to pick up a gallon of this stuff when I get back from Georgia. I was hoping I can run it before I head out there but ran out of time.

I really don't think I'd be running it in the Porsche as its been very well maintained with a 5k-7.5k OCI but definitely on the Volvo. I didn't see any sludge but its definitely vanished to all [censored] in there. Even where the oil filter is on the bottom was all varnished up.
Yep, did a tour at Fort Polk myself way back in 86-87...worked at BJACH (hospital), which was pretty nice at the time ... Thanks again for your service.
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