Investors....come in please!

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I told you guys two things:

1) It will be violent
2) The bottom (for awhile) is in April.

Groucho - that's a good thing. That noise. But my post was referring to the daily recovery today. Interesting. So, to make my predictions untrue we need two things:

1) people scared like sheep and
2) people who still want to make money, but nowhere else to put their money.


I'm hearing a lot of risk noise, more than bear noise, more than bull noise. Maybe I have selective hearing?

I'm not sure what your hearing G.M. My perception is that everyone is jumpy. Something like waiting for the other shoe to drop... Retail investors like me are becoming increasingly aware of market manipulation by the BIG money operators. Last year I had no idea what was going on. Now I look at every stock for the signs before I buy. This, by itself is effecting how and what people trade. And don't get me started on naked shorting....

Anyway, when I see a stock that is being played, I stay way.

I'm 67% in cash as of last Friday. May I please have my testicles back now?

Sounds like your in the right place at the right time. I don't know who has your boys, just make sure they are well cared for. It'll take a couple of big ones go against this market.

I just don't understand why the big money guys, who have no problems with manipulating the market, will commit financial suicide over a simple statement from Bernacki.

Ive been in PFO and EWJ for a while... Thinking of taking my profits (13 and 21%, IIRC) and running, but I don't know to where.

Im well diversified elsewhere, and want to trade more. However, Im also thinking that doing more ETFs is the easy/smart way to go.

I would like to get a bit more into the 'energing' markets type category in a fund that has the ability to strike anywhere globally that is hot, any country, region, any business sector, etc. Any suggestions?


I've got some FEMKX & FIREX. Both are up a little over 3% YTD. Both got beatup some when the NIKKEI took a dump a couple of weeks ago but both have recovered well.

I hate to recommend any one or two. I read all the financial newspapers (lots of ETF coverage), surf all the websites, and of course the best is

I have played the the E(x)(x) series and like those....

I'm actually thinking of buying into ESD at thsi point...

Do any of you guys use Scottrade? I'm getting eaten alive with Fidelity's Mutual Fund transaction fee of $75; Scottrade is $17.

Sorry, no hot stocks to show off.
The $75 fee only applies to funds that Fidelity doesn't offer for free. They offer all kinds of other company's funds at no charge. What funds do you want that you can't find an ETF for ($8 brokerage fee) or another equivalent for free?
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