If You Could Meet Someone From BITOG?

You are a smart captain!
Whenever I see grown men buddy bidding to only fly with each other, I shake my head.

I would ( and have ) tell someone to not bid to just fly with me.

Nothing like getting on the aircraft and flight attendants mentioning to your face who their favourite pilots are.

Socially inept.

People never cease to amaze me, apparently they like flying with me.

Just don’t bid to fly with me though. I like variety.
I suffer from being exceptionally good at remembering faces and linking memories with faces but I'm absolutely terrible at remembering names and linking names with memories. With this in mind, this type of communication where all I have to go by are seemingly random names means I can't remember who I have agreed with, disagreed with, fought with, or praised. The positive is I never hold a grudge because I've usually forgotten who did or said what.

Astro, I remember Astro, and he seems like a very kind and interesting person to meet.
I wish I could have made the HPL gathering last year or the year before. I would have liked meeting some BITOG folks there. Plus, HPL Dave was super helpful for a question that I had. I have had the joy of reaching out to message some members here. Every one of the interactions has been very positive. Haven't yet met anyone in person, but when things settle down a bit, I would like to meet some BITOGers.
Whenever I see grown men buddy bidding to only fly with each other, I shake my head.

I would ( and have ) tell someone to not bid to just fly with me.

Nothing like getting on the aircraft and flight attendants mentioning to your face who their favourite pilots are.

Socially inept.

People never cease to amaze me, apparently they like flying with me.

Just don’t bid to fly with me though. I like variety.
I never made it to the airlines and didn't do a lot of crew flying. I would have liked being able to plan my time off though. My hobbies kept me at the airport even when I wasn't working. I always kept a small plane around to put the joy back into flying when flying at work seemed just like work. Now that I am not working full time, I can't really afford the flying hobby, unless I get into some really sketchy experimentals.

So, I keep old cars, boats and the occasional airplane running for a hobby. I really need to work on getting my A&P since I like working on planes as much as I like flying them.
I would enjoy meeting the vast majority of the active membership with just a few exceptions for some of the reasons given above. That includes the moderators who I’ve had message correspondence on dealing mostly with clarification issues from time to time. Their response has always been timely and professional.

I could give a top ten but I gotta say that if I was forced to pick just one, it would have to be @MolaKule. I’d pick his brain like I was an anteater and he was an ant hill. 😂