favorite star trek episode?

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star trek is for geeks, and star wars isnt any better or cooler. I also hated lords of the rings...what's wrong with people! Too many people are into fantasies now a days...

Gladiator starring Russell Crowe, now that is worth the watch over for me at least.
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First season of the original series, episode three "Where no man has gone before," (which was in fact, the second pilot. Note how in both the pilot and the second pilot, Spock shows "emotion").

Also, "Balance of Terror" (season one, episode 14) which draws heavily from the movie "The Enemy Below."

And finally from the original series, "Mirror Mirror." (Season two episode 4). I love the line "In every revolution, there's one man with a vision."
The ORIGINAL Star Trek is the ONLY Star Trek.

All others are lousy copies.
The TNG episode that stands out in my mind is "Timescape". Picard and others arrive back to the Enterprise on a shuttle craft to find it frozen in time and in the middle of a battle with a Romulan warbird. Cool concept.

In addition, most episodes with the Borg were really good.
Originally Posted By: Turk
The ORIGINAL Star Trek is the ONLY Star Trek.

All others are lousy copies.

I've been thinking about getting all the Original Star Treks on DVD.

Some of my favorites:
What Are Little Girls Made Of?
A Piece of The Action
All Our Yesterdays
City on The Edge Of Forever
Dagger of the Mind

The Original Series was so sexist and politically incorrect that it's actually refreshing to watch these days.

I was all over TNG when it came out in the late 80's, but thought the characters were too touchy-feely in the first couple of seasons, then gained harder edges later on. I was glad when they killed off Tasha Yar. Never did like that character.

Don't know what the name of the episode is, but my favorite is the one where Picard plays Private Eye Dixon Hill in a Holodeck adventure.

Favorite ST movie: Wrath of Khan

I liked DS9 pretty much all the way through. Avery Brooks was great as the space station commander.
I grew up with TNG, was the only redeeming part of my childhood with an abusive alcoholic father was he would wake me up to watch it on UPN.

after my parents got divorced and I never saw that "insert slang for male organ here" again, I started watching DS9, never really got into voyager, actually that's the only series I don't own on disc. I've seen it, but never cared for it

favorite DS9 episode had to be "Tribbles and Tribulations"
favorite TOS episode had to be "Space Seed"

favorite movie had to be "First Contact"

on another note, sit down and watch Enterprise, its actually pretty good! As well as the animated series
I am a big fan of TOS, tried TNG but it lost me so I never got into the rest of the spinoff's.

My favorite TOS episode is "Tomorrow is Yesterday", when the Enterprise goes through a time-warp back to the 1960's and is taken for a UFO. Favorite movie is IV, "The Voyage Home."

I watched enough of TNG to see the episode where Riker gets transferred to a Klingon ship in some sort of officer/cultural exchange. I'd have to say that's my favorite.
I'm glad someone mentioned the animated series. Yes, the animation is pretty lousy even for 1973-74, but you had the original actors, a lot of the original writers . . . and "The Slaver Weapon." Based on a short story by SF writer Larry Niven, who adapted his tale for Trek, it features the catlike aliens, the kzinti; a strange weapon found in a stasis box in which no time passes; and no Kirk or Enterprise!

The rest of you have mentioned a lot of my favorites. I'll just toss in ST:ToS's "Corbomite Maneuver," with some of the most vivid dialog the show ever produced, and "Charlie X."

As for TNG, there were so many great stories. "Inner Light," "Darmok," "Measure of a Man," "Q Who?" (the introduction of the truly alien and terrifying Borg), "Starship Mine" (a kind of "Die Hard" aboard the Enterprise), and the story featuring Beverly Crusher in which she murmurs two of the neatest lines ever:

"If there's nothing wrong with me . . . is it possible there's something wrong with the universe?"


"Click my heels together three times and I'm back in Kansas. Can it really be that simple?"
Originally Posted By: 01_celica_gt
star trek is for geeks, and star wars isnt any better or cooler. I also hated lords of the rings...what's wrong with people! Too many people are into fantasies now a days...

Gladiator starring Russell Crowe, now that is worth the watch over for me at least.

Star Trek is for the thoughtful person. It addresses interesting social issues in a scifi setting. It was one of the first TV series to feature a multi racial cast and women in command ("Menagerie" from TOS). It was truly ground breaking in many ways.

Sadly, the intellectually vacant never liked the series, contributing to rise of true garbage on TV. I don't care for most of the drivel on the airwaves these days.

Yep, I'm a geek...and not so insecure that I have to criticize the thought-provoking in order to feel superior...
It was thought provoking when he said that Star Trek, Star Wars & Lord of the Rings were fantasies and then implied Gladiator wasn't.
"Have you ever been in a cockpit before, Joey? Ever seen a grown man naked? Do you enjoy Gladiator movies?....Ever been in a Turkish prison?"

Peter Graves in Airplane....
Originally Posted By: Astro14
. . . Star Trek is for the thoughtful person. It addresses interesting social issues in a scifi setting. It was one of the first TV series to feature a multi racial cast and women in command ("Menagerie" from TOS). It was truly ground breaking in many ways.

Sadly, the intellectually vacant never liked the series, contributing to rise of true garbage on TV. I don't care for most of the drivel on the airwaves these days.

Yep, I'm a geek...and not so insecure that I have to criticize the thought-provoking in order to feel superior...

"Trek" and the best written and filmed science fiction is also for those with, dare I say it, imagination.
Originally Posted By: Benzadmiral
Originally Posted By: Astro14
. . . Star Trek is for the thoughtful person. It addresses interesting social issues in a scifi setting. It was one of the first TV series to feature a multi racial cast and women in command ("Menagerie" from TOS). It was truly ground breaking in many ways.

Sadly, the intellectually vacant never liked the series, contributing to rise of true garbage on TV. I don't care for most of the drivel on the airwaves these days.

Yep, I'm a geek...and not so insecure that I have to criticize the thought-provoking in order to feel superior...

"Trek" and the best written and filmed science fiction is also for those with, dare I say it, imagination.

I always LOVED the original Star Trek. Kirk was perfect! And who can say Spock and the rest of the cast weren't equally fantastic. Just a great show...especially given the time period.
A few favorites that I can recall off-hand (who hasn't seem them all, right?)....was the one where Bones was getting to see his past love on some desolate planet outpost. Little did he know that she was a salt-sucking creature....luring him in. Or the one where they had to fight historical figures and Abe Lincoln was one of the guys they teamed with. Fun stuff....and sometimes very thought provoking. Even the background sounds on the planets they went to was cool.
The Nest Generation was pretty good. I liked it. Well done show for sure. Picard was great as the "intellectual" captain.
The rest of the Star Trek TV series stuff wasn't my thing though. Turned into something else.
"Tomorrow is Yesterday"

There are some who say that Gene Roddenberry, producer
of the series may have been given access to information about
certain top secret items held by the military. Information that would give a clue to the future, the powers that be may have wanted to help ease the blow by conditioning the public by introducing certain things by way of theater, so that if and when it becomes a reality it won't shock as severely.
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