Check those filters when buying!

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Originally Posted By: ZeeOSix
I've seen orange cans put in Ultra boxes at Walmart. Yes, by all means check the box for the right filter, and check the filter for flaws before buying.

Unless the culprits are entering Sino Mart armed with those clear adhesive round carton seals, I am OK.

Has anyone ever experienced a switcheroo once home on an apparently unopened (NO torn paper on the box, prints on the inside of the seal, etc.), still round tape sealed oil fiter box?
Went to Meijer today to get a Fram Ultra 3600 for my Taurus, I pushed aside the two older xtended guards for the extra efficiency and the first Ultra box I opened had broken tape on the seal and it was an PH3600 orange can. I go for the next filter and tape also broken except this one has a TG 3600 in it. Finally the 3rd Ultra back of 4 has sealed tape and I still opened it and it was indeed a Ultra.

In case anyone is wondering the last filter in the back was sealed too.

I think they should all have seals.
Here, Fram Ultra's. have the seal, and M1's are wrapped in plastic... but there are always some opened boxes.... some stores have them behind the counter... now I know why...!
Check the OIL too! Had a friend buy some Pennzoil for me to do an oil change on her car. it was used oil! Apparently whomever bought it before put their used oil back in an returned it to the store. They simply put it back on the shelf and she grabbed it unknowingly. She now checks to see if the seal is broken before buying!
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