Childhood friend dies

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Thank you EVERYONE. I feel worse,but better today. Kinda hungover but it is what it is lol. If I go next then Aquariuscsm can have my Honda. Thanks again.Now I have to go about my day and find something good.
So sorry for your loss! I've lost a few friends and it is absolutely devastating.

Somebody else asked, and I didn't see you answer, and if you don't want to, that's perfectly fine! but did he have any pre-existing conditions that made him more susceptible?
"All forms that perish, other forms supply,By turns we catch the vital breath and die, Like bubbles on the sea of matter borne, They rise, they break,and to the sea return" Alexander Pope. Sorry for your loss kind sir.
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I am so sorry for your loss.

I wanted to second what I saw someone else suggest. It is perfectly fine to be sad, angry, or whatever you may be feeling.

However, I'd like to caution that you don't use that as an excuse to make poor choices.

We have no control over what we feel. We do indeed have control over what do in response to those feelings.

I hope you are able to find peace during the difficult time.
Originally Posted by javacontour
I am so sorry for your loss.

I wanted to second what I saw someone else suggest. It is perfectly fine to be sad, angry, or whatever you may be feeling.

However, I'd like to caution that you don't use that as an excuse to make poor choices.

We have no control over what we feel. We do indeed have control over what do in response to those feelings.

I hope you are able to find peace during the difficult time.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ THIS^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

The devil sought you-out when you were most vulnerable. That's his job! He will seek you-out to fail at sobriety over & over again, every time a crisis in your life occurs.
The best way to honor your deceased best friend, is-to never put an alcoholic beverage to your lips again.
The late Vincent Edwards is asking you (in his remembrance) to begin that sobriety journey RIGHT THIS MINUTE. I was intuitively asked to write this last sentence
l am sorry for you loss Marco. No ifs and or buts about it sucks. I don't have many words for something like this but I am sorry.
Originally Posted by Marco620
Thank you EVERYONE. I feel worse,but better today. Kinda hungover but it is what it is lol. If I go next then Aquariuscsm can have my Honda. Thanks again.Now I have to go about my day and find something good.


I felt the power of wind and sun today just getting outside and a tad of nature. Short bicycle spin to the nearby park to see a very sparse population. It was nice to see kites in the air and see the beauty of all things around that are so "everyday" and familiar yet missed if I limit myself to critical thinking or problem solving. I sat in the grass sipping water about 3/4 into the trip. I needed that mental vacation of 45 minutes or so and didn't even know it til it was over ,,,, lol

T Y for making me realize it .
On day two of being back on the wagon. Hopefully this gets better. I'm glad to be over the drinking as it never fixes anything. Thank you to everyone for helping me out. I usually get three months dry and then something interrupts that streak. Being locked indoors all day doesn't help; but neither does alcohol. Everyone have a wonderful day.

On a side note, the 0w30 m1 is running fine. Consumption is way down from the 0w20 oils. I have figured out these low tension piston rings do eat a bit of oil especially since I get it up to higher rpm and over 80mph for a few stints. Halfway through oci and I have had to add about 1/4 qt only. Still has the Lubegard biotech in there. Currently over 320k!
[Linked Image]
Thanks for keeping us informed Marco. Hope the dogs are well, I personally enjoy the pictures of them. Stay positive, and glad you are with us
Marco620, so sorry to hear this! Consider yourself fortunate, though, to have had such a good friend in your life.

"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art.... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival."

― C.S. Lewis
Originally Posted by 53' Stude
Thanks for keeping us informed Marco. Hope the dogs are well, I personally enjoy the pictures of them. Stay positive, and glad you are with us



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