Why does my cruise control have braille?

Jun 28, 2017
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This is my f350. 😲

I feel for the raised tactile "braille" virtually every time I engage or change the cruise control, so I don't have to look at the button. It's not that a quick glance at the buttons is going to cause an accident, but not looking away is a good thing.
On the same idea, why do drive-up ATMs have braille on the buttons? Was thinking, what? Blind drivers?(sorry, visually impared)
Actually found out....they use the same panel as the walk-up ATM, easier to make them all the same. Posed the question to guy repairing an ATM, he'd been asked that question several times.
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I feel for the raised tactile "braille" virtually every time I engage or change the cruise control, so I don't have to look at the button. It's not that a quick glance at the buttons is going to cause an accident, but not looking away is a good thing.

If it's that busy on the road, you probably won't need cruise control anyway