Weird little bugs in and around car

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Apr 22, 2015
Tri-state area
Alternate thread title: "I will throw a roach bomb fogger in this car"

This will be the second time I have seen these strange bugs around a car, by the tire. Both days it was very hot, and it is almost as if they lived in the tire.. I am sure it wasn't that (how could it be?) But the first time, they seemed to be multiplying before my very eyes.. Hot day, in/around/by the tire, smell of gasoline as the car was having issues. This time, I opened my door by a curb and it was IN the footwell..

What in blazes ARE these little things. I almost want to call them "gas bugs."

96 degrees and climbing today. Not the hottest weather in the world, but..


Originally Posted By: Kawiguy454
Earwig ...despite how creepy they look and the name I don't think they crawl into ears.

They look like roaches from [censored]

WHY are they in my car???...
Meh, those aren't noseeums. As someone who constantly battles scorpions around the house, I can assure you, you are safe.
lol @ brzed.

if one lives by cornfields or have any sweet corn nearby, your chances are greater of seeing these, but the infestation is big enough they are most common these days.
Originally Posted By: InfmousCornholio
I took two more pics.

Why don't you take twenty more? I mean, we've already answered your question, but if presented with more evidence, we can always change our answer and decide they are "gas bugs" instead...
Originally Posted By: InfmousCornholio
Originally Posted By: BRZED
Originally Posted By: John_Conrad
they are commonly found in ears of corn therefore the name, hence they sense you cornholio!!!

Shouldn't that be "they sense your cornholio"?


Yes of course, but we all know where the earwigs are headed while you are fast asleep! They find a nice dark, dank area and lay their eggs. Larvae hatch and borrow deep. The outcome is questionable.
Originally Posted By: BRZED
Originally Posted By: InfmousCornholio
Originally Posted By: BRZED
Originally Posted By: John_Conrad
they are commonly found in ears of corn therefore the name, hence they sense you cornholio!!!

Shouldn't that be "they sense your cornholio"?



Yes of course, but we all know where the earwigs are headed while you are fast asleep! They find a nice dark, dank area and lay their eggs. Larvae hatch and borrow deep. The outcome is questionable.


First, you will be extremely open to suggestion. Then madness! Come to think of it, you may have had a passenger for some time.
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