Turn on "Ignore thread" option...

Aug 27, 2004
Katy, Republic of Texas
Any way to get the "Ignore thread" option turned on here? Other Xenforo forums have this feature on and I like it.

Why did you click on this?
For members, don't worry your little heads why I want it, it is none of your business.
I don't care what you think about it, so don't bother posting.
Keyword being "option". If one doesn't want it or want to use it, you don't have to.
There's a big "ignore" button in everyone's head ... just need to learn how to operate it. 😄

How did anyone get by using this chat board before Xenforo was used ??

How did anyone get by using this chat board before Xenforo was used ??
LOL. Yeah.

But since we are being forced to use this forum software, why not take advantage of it?

There are still a lot of things I still don't like about this software (like the hard 20 post per page limit, way to much dead space in forum pages), although many of my dislikes have been addressed to the best of the software limitations, but if admin can just click an option on in the settings that some may find useful, then why not?
but if admin can just click an option on in the settings that some may find useful, then why not?
XF doesn't have the option you are asking for natively. The "ignore thread" feature requires a paid add-on and we have added a couple paid add-ons in the past, but we only use them when necessary. In this case, we'll discuss the possibility of adding this feature on our next mod's call.
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The "ignore thread" feature requires a paid add-on
In that case, I'll live with the s/w like it is :) Never know for sure what options are built-in vs free add-ons* vs paid add-ons. I also remember you want to keep add-ons to a minimum.

Just curious - and I'm not judging that the site is being cheap - what prices do common add-ons cost or range ? Don't get me wrong, even if an add-on is just $49/year, dozens of them add up to real money.
Don't get me wrong, even if an add-on is just $49/year, dozens of them add up to real money.
Add-ons range from free to hundreds of $/yr.

They all have to be maintained and they all take CPU time to do their magic. We do use some, which have been great additions to standard forum functionality. The more add-ons you have the more time you'll spend checking for updates. Some get neglected and have to be removed, some don't work after major upgrades and have to be removed. Some break things. Because of these reasons and more, we like to be careful which add-ons we install.