Sunday roast dinner made with unused ingredients from Thanksgiving


$100 Site Donor 2024
Nov 28, 2014
Steilacoom, WA
Made an herb roast today using a handful of unused ingredients from Thanksgiving.

Had a handful of stuff left over from Thanksgiving:
Heavy creme- used instead of mike in the Alfredo
Chicken broth- cooked the french cut green in the broth instead of the water in the can
Rosemary and thyme- wrapped the roast in the fresh herbs

Prep total (except time in oven) was under one hour. Super easy meal.

Pepper the roast, then brown in all sides. Remove the roast, cover in olive oil, spice with salt, garlic powder, and onion powder. Wrap twine around the roast, then place the fresh herbs all the way around. Place in a roasting pan, fat side up. Roast at 250 degrees for three hours.

I made this process/ recipe up. It seemed to work, the beef had a nice rosemary flavor. I wish I pulled the roast out earlier. It was medium, and continued to self cook after pulling out of the oven. I think I should have pulled the roast when rare. Lots of leftovers that may be better if the meat was a little less done.

Please note I used process sides such as the green beans and alfredo noodles. Keeps my time in the meal very low, but I know not the best way to go.

You lost me with green beans in a can! Fresh French cut sauteed in smashed garlic and extra virgin olive oil kid!!!
  • Haha
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That roast looks about perfectly done for my taste--- I don't mind a medium-rare to medium steak/roast, but if I'm saving some of it for leftovers, I prefer less pink. Something about pulling leftover meat out of the fridge when medium-rare doesn't sit well with me. Plus the kids tend to complain if the meat isn't at least medium. Though with kids the choice is still eat what's on your plate or go to bed, they tend to always choose the former.

Goodness, I bet it taste like rosemary! I've never tried that much, but I may have to start as I have a whole plant outside that I doubt will survive the entire winter and I already have plenty dried. All in all, looks delicious!

How do you like Lidl for groceries? I've never lived anywhere there was a Lidl, so I was always curious. We have Aldi here (which I've heard is similar), they're great for most basic goods, but comparable in price to Walmart. Kroger & the other "expensive" stores have better sales on meat and seasonal produce. With Aldi and their sales, if I don't get there on the first day of the ad/flyer, they're out of all the good deals, so I rarely shop there.
You lost me with green beans in a can! Fresh French cut sauteed in smashed garlic and extra virgin olive oil kid!!!
Yes, but I was able to take my Wife to a outdoor Christmas festival while the roast was cooking. I work out of state most weeks so I try to spend time with her on Sunday. I wake up at 0330 tomorrow morning to get to the airport. If I start making the dinner complex, I no longer spend time with my Wife the one day I have available.

So I will steal a line from Astro--- Green beans in a can... "OH THE HUMANITY.... I also made the gravy from powder......

That roast looks about perfectly done for my taste--- I don't mind a medium-rare to medium steak/roast, but if I'm saving some of it for leftovers, I prefer less pink. Something about pulling leftover meat out of the fridge when medium-rare doesn't sit well with me. Plus the kids tend to complain if the meat isn't at least medium. Though with kids the choice is still eat what's on your plate or go to bed, they tend to always choose the former.

Goodness, I bet it taste like rosemary! I've never tried that much, but I may have to start as I have a whole plant outside that I doubt will survive the entire winter and I already have plenty dried. All in all, looks delicious!

How do you like Lidl for groceries? I've never lived anywhere there was a Lidl, so I was always curious. We have Aldi here (which I've heard is similar), they're great for most basic goods, but comparable in price to Walmart. Kroger & the other "expensive" stores have better sales on meat and seasonal produce. With Aldi and their sales, if I don't get there on the first day of the ad/flyer, they're out of all the good deals, so I rarely shop there.

I agree with you 100 percent on how cooked the meat should be, but my Wife gets super upset when I overcook beef, super upset. And it is something I can't reverse, so it is a sensitive subject in our home.... My Wife is an angel, asks very little of me... except don't overcook meat....

Yes, the beef had a rosemary taste, but was actually very mild. I love rosemary, and the rosemary did not even come close to overpowering the steak. Kind of subtle. Recommend you make use of that rosemary, if not on a piece of beef or chicken, maybe rosemary mash potatoes (with gouda cheese).

Really like LIDL. Took a few trips to get use to LIDL, but it is my go to store. Excellent selection of cheese and things like that. Nice selection of European foods. Parking is a breeze, I can park right in front of the store and not have to even walk across the parking lot. Selection on some items is limited, no big deal. Only issue is the store I go to is very slow (hope they stay open), and I like to self- checkout. They only have one cashier open, and if an item is marked down, it requires a cashier to approve. So I sometimes avoid items on clearance to avoid waiting for a cashier to leave their register to come input the clearance discount.
Red wine and bread yessir 😋
Warm beer and bread they say can raise the dead!!!

Tried to amend my carnivorous habit
Made it nearly seventy days
Losing weight without speed eating sunflower seeds
Drinking lots of carrot juice and soaking up rays
But at night I'd have these wonderful dreams
Some kind of sensuous treat
Not zucchini fettucini or bulgar wheat
But a big warm bun and a huge hunk of meat

Cheeseburger in paradise
Heaven on earth with an onion slice
Not too particular not too precise
I'm just a cheeseburger in paradise

Heard about the oldtime sailor men
They'd eat the same thing again and again
Warm beer and bread they said could raise the dead
Well it reminds me of the menu at a Holiday Inn
But times have changed for sailors these days
When I'm in port I get what I need
Not just havanas or banana or daiquiris
But that American creation on which I feed

Cheeseburger in paradise
Medium-rare with munster'd be nice
Heaven on earth with an onion slice
I'm just a cheeseburger in paradise

I like mine with lettuce and tomato
Heinz 57 and french fried potatoes
Big kosher pickle and a cold draft beer
Well good God almighty which way do I steer
For my...
Cheeseburger in paradise
Making the best of every virtue and vice
Worth every **** bit of sacrifice
To get a cheeseburger in paradise
Get me a cheeseburger in paradise
I'm just a cheeseburger in paradise

I like mine with lettuce and tomato
Heinz 57 and french fried potatoes
Big kosher pickle and a cold draft beer
Well good God almighty which way do I steer...
Yes, the beef had a rosemary taste, but was actually very mild. I love rosemary, and the rosemary did not even come close to overpowering the steak. Kind of subtle. Recommend you make use of that rosemary, if not on a piece of beef or chicken, maybe rosemary mash potatoes (with gouda cheese).
I might just try to recreate that slab of beef you have there, it looks that good! I've got plenty of rosemary for it. I typically put some rosemary in mashed potatoes, but the wife complains a bit if I season / herb things too much, she has a more bland palate than I do. But in a larger chunk of meat, it would be hard to overdo it.

The unspoken rule in our house when it comes to husband vs wife cooking, is the cook gets to decide what spices & how much goes in it. We might get a gripe or two in return, but neither one of us is a big complainer when the other cooks, as long as our stomach is full!
Oh, I noticed the powder! Was looking for a little :ROFLMAO:. Couldn't hit ya 2x in one post. I understand the time issue. 21 Years as a cop working all shifts on a 4x2.

That 3am stuff makes me shudder. My last few years before I retired I could only take overtime on the 4am-8am swing. It was just me with 3 kids and lots of activities after my normal shift ended 4pm. Wears ya down. And I'm laughing because I am a guy who gets up between 0430 and 0500 am most mornings. I could sleep in every day for the most part, but I feel dirty and useless if I do. It is night and day getting up at 0300 v 0430. The latter you feel good and a little sluggish at most; 0300 steals your soul ever so slowly!