*sigh* First almost fist fight traffic incident

Apr 18, 2005
Easton, PA
Not happy about how it went down but I saw red after I repeatedly saying you are blocking the street and I refuse to damage my truck for you.

Long story short Honda Odyssey blocking a one-way street lined with parked cars on both sides. He repeatedly tried to move down the street where I still couldn't have fit.

I finally inched by with maybe an inch on each side and gave him some horn for being an inconsiderate idiot.

I got the bird in response and in a fit of rage threw the truck in reverse tires squealing and all.

Got out and exchanged many colorful metaphors and baiting each other to make the first move. Had I not had dinner in the car I would have easily overpowered his 60yr old self. Neighbors tried to defuse but I wasn't having it and finally told him where to stick his dumb Walmart led light bars as well as many other things.

I'm upset with myself more than anything else but I guess my switch flipped today. Gun was in the truck the whole time within arms reach.

*Sigh* Don't be me, just let it go.
It might have been more affective to stop, get out of your truck/or lean out the window, smile, wave and say "have a nice day", and leave the scene. ;) They wouldn't have known what the heck was going on or what it was supposed to mean.

A gun and a hot head is a bad mix, for you and only you would be the one to get arrested, sentenced and locked in a cage for using it over a traffic dispute. Moral of the story, the other side won.
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I feel for you. It can be really aggravating when you know you have lost control.

I have found the best reaction for me, when someone flips me off, I just give them a big cheesy smile and wave. I feel better about it, and it really sets off the person who flipped me off.
good job not escalating beyond what you did. Time to reflect and get better, giving more grace and kindness to others even when they are being rude and inconsiderate to you and others.

i have learned it’s not up to me to teach someone a lesson by trying to correct their bad behavior . Teach them a lesson in being kind and calm. The world would be a much better place.
Carrying that gun doesn’t make you bullet proof. You made the first aggressive move. Think about that. Your lucky the other guy didn’t go for his.
No of course not but its good to be honest in that moment of reflection and it's a defensive weapon. It's with me daily because of the recent uptick on robberies and attempted car jackings of late in my area.
I'm upset with myself more than anything else but I guess my switch flipped today. Gun was in the truck the whole time within arms reach.

I'm sorry, but I have a problem with this part of your story. Why did this have to be brought into the conversation at all? According to your post, he repeatedly tried to move down the street, but you still couldn't fit. So was he trying to get out of your way?
Ultimately, you were the aggressor and the other guy was just some random idiot that couldn't get out of your way. Had he had a gun within arms reach, he may have taken your aggression the wrong way and ended all of your frustrations altogether. (As so many people do these days)

Anyway, everyone makes mistakes and everyone has moments where they wish that they could have a redo. This sounds like one of those moments. Don't beat yourself up too much and just let it go. Remember how you feel right now the next time something like this happens,...it's not worth it.

Cheers. 🍻
NEVER get out of your vehicle . That's the first step toward things going bad . If he wants to act like an ass make him come to you .
Or just continue driving before it ends up becoming a disaster or fatal situation. If you stop, turn around or in his case throw the vehicle in reverse to confront the person and it turns into a deadly situation who is to blame?

Point is it is not worth it, continue driving.
Not sure why you mentioned a gun at all. You have no claim to defensive anything, given that you engaged the guy. And yes he was being an inconsiderate idiot. Frankly, if you could reverse your truck and squeal the tires then it’s on you. Had he shot you in defense for charging him and getting out, he probably would have been found in the right.

People can get quickly and easily peeved. You chose your actions wrong, double wrong with a weapon in the vehicle…