Shelf Life

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Jan 23, 2009
Long Island, NY
How long is the shelf life of Mobil 1 if it has been in a shed for over a year subject to temps ranging from 0 - 95 (NY)?

ps - I did search, and couldn't really find anything. A google search lead me to a page that stated the shelf life of oil is at least three years...
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if its never been opened its just fine. if it has been opened, use it but add a couple of quarts of new oil when you do the service, opened oil can collect moisture, ya little amounts but still. the engine will burn the moisture out of it eventually.
Mobil told me a while back it was 5 years. I've heard it will last a lot longer. When in doubt give it a good shake. I've used oil this summer in my mower that has to be at least 10 years old. It was fine, I gave it a good shake and nothing was settled on the bottom.
yeah, I think its because companies know oil specs change about every 5 years. Plus, they don't want to get blamed if something happens to your engine. If you use a 10 year old oil on a 2009 new engine
I ask Valvoline this question over a year ago and the response was indefinitely (if reasonably stored). They stressed formula improvements as being the reason to buy the latest offerings.
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