Road tripping. Which type are you?

Aug 25, 2018
South Carolina
I'm definitely the later. I hate having to stop. I want to get to the destination.

As long as I keep driving, I'm good to go. I've gone 1,500 miles in 23 hours straight through before stopping only for gas, bathroom, and food as quick as possible and back on the road. If I have to stop though for any considerable amount of time, even if just a few hours into the trip, I'm done. The driver's euphoria is gone.
Depends on the length of the trip. If it's a few hours long the top one. If it's more than 10 hours we're hammering cause my dang back hurts and i wanna get the trip over with.
Gonna threadjack with a short story. About 7 years ago, we were headed to NC beaches for a week, and we stopped at a fast food place. My daughter was about 14months old at the time and we had a Tacoma. One of the great things about a tailgate is changing a diaper on it...perfect level. Well, Miss Squirmy had a diaper blowout, so it was a full clean up and clothes change. I had parked in the back of the lot under some trees with shade. While my wife was inside getting food, I was changing her and cleaning her up, but she liked to try and roll around so you always had to keep a hand on her. Little did I know I was standing right next to a red/fire/whatever ant nest and they began crawling up my foot and leg biting the you know what out of me. I couldn't do anything though during that messy mid-change and hold her so she didn't roll off and just had to take it. Saw my wife come out strolling to the truck and I shrieked for her to hurry up lol. Some of the most will power I've ever had not to move and succumb to what was going on with my leg.
number 2. ive done frisco to vegas in 18hrs before. we timed our stops with fuel so we only stopped 3 times. once for breakfast, lunch, and in kingsman just before we got into vegas. had waze and a the detector going, i was lazer focused.
It depends on the type of trip and the urgency (or lack thereof) to get there. When I used to drive from NC to southwest Louisiana regularly, I'd pack two coolers.

One full of sandwiches prepped the day before and one full of drinks. Also, a bag full of snacks. Had no need to stop other than for restroom breaks and to refuel.

However, if I have free time and I see something that piques my interest, I will stop. It all depends on the type of trip.
Road trips as in leisure drives? Leave me be. I will do what I want and I take as much time as I want. If you interfere I'll bury you leave you by the side of the road.

Road trips with colleagues. You better be a female because if you're a male we will be at each other's throats in under two hours. Just ask Klaus. They tell me he is able to talk again, unfortunately.

Road trips with my family are okay. I can adapt to tolerating my family for prolonged periods and go along with their crazy ideas of what constitutes fun. I draw the line with PILs, uncles and aunts, cousins - except for cousin Julia. I won't throw her out of the RV in the Mohave.

I obviously jest about everything but the parts that are true. What's true is that I won't tolerate stress.